我無法通過Xcode 8 GM提交我的最新應用更新。我在此更新中更新了我的iPhone和watchOS應用程序。iTunes Connect提交代碼簽名權利錯誤Xcode 8
iTunes Store operation failed. Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, value 'QX3TDZXXXX.AppName' for key 'application-identifier' in 'Payload/AppName.app/AppName' is not supported. This value should be a string starting with your TEAMID, followed by a dot '.', followed by the bundle identifier.
AppName has conflicting provisioning settings. AppName is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity iPhone Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "iPhone Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor. Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'
- 清理項目
- 重新啓動的Xcode
- 重新啓動我的Mac
- 吊銷我的分佈證書
感謝您的回答!在我的情況下,我必須關閉Xcode 8,清理生成文件夾,然後實現和驗證,我有6個不同的項目中的6個應用程序,在Xcode 8之前,我正在做的是打開所有項目,然後立即歸檔,但現在我必須將它們逐一歸檔,只是在屁股上的一大痛苦!順便說一句,源代碼管理不工作或者http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39504782/source-control-not-working-in-xcode-8 –
我發現在我的情況下重現錯誤的方式,作爲我說過,我有6個應用程序,驗證和上傳工作的唯一方法是逐個打開每個項目並驗證並上傳每個項目,可以說如果您打開了項目A,則無法驗證項目B反之亦然,您可以一次全部歸檔,但是您必須在每次驗證和上傳每個項目時進行歸檔。 –
謝謝。清理,然後重新啓動Xcode解決了我。 – Josh