2014-02-18 42 views

第39行的這個意外的T_STRING「h」是什麼? 我在代碼中看不到任何問題,爲什麼字符串「h」? 我認爲它是由於代碼 爲取向的Java腳本選項,我設置爲「H」或水平意外的H T_STRING

include "system.php"; 
$usersystem = $_SESSION['username']; 
$passw = $_SESSION['password']; 
$query= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$usersystem' AND password = '$passw'"; 
$autoexec= $mysqli->query($query); 
$earnings = $autoexec['earnings']; 
$completed = $autoexec['completed']; 
if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] !=1){ 
    header ('Location: index.php); 
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      <h2>Welcome To Your Account! <?php echo "$username" ?></h2> 
      <h6><em> Statistics</h6> 
      <br /> 
      <h6><em>Earnings: <?php echo "$earnings" ?><em></h6> 
      <br /> 
      <h6><em>Completed Offers: <?php echo "$completed" ?></h6> 
      <h6><em>Next Payment: End of next Month </h6> 
      <h6><em><a href=offers.php>Offers List</a></em></h6> 
      <p>&nbsp; </p> 
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    <h2>Latest News Bulletin</h2> 
    <div class="post_meta">By Mark | Feburary 2, 2014</div> 
    <h6><img src="images/templatemo_image_02.jpg" class="image_fl imgage-with-frame" alt="Image 02"/> </h6> 
    <h6><em>New Offer Wall Added</em></h6> 
    <h6>New Offer Wall By BLVD Media has been released, check it out!</h6> 
    <h6><a href="offers.php" class="more">Offer Wall</a></h6> 
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    <h2>Note From the admin</h2> 
    <p>I've Recently Noticed alot of people have been requesting to know what the payment schedule is NOTE PAYMENTS ARE DETERMINED BY OUR ADVERTISERS Our Schedule is NET-30. This can change at any time</p> 
    <ul class="templatemo_list"> 
     <li class="flow">Paypal is Preffered Method</li> 
     <li class="flow">Amazon is also Supported</li> 
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header ('Location: index.php); 


header ('Location: index.php'); 

header ('Location: index.php)錯過報價'。它應該是:

include "system.php"; 
$usersystem = $_SESSION['username']; 
$passw = $_SESSION['password']; 
$query= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$usersystem' AND password = '$passw'"; 
$autoexec= $mysqli->query($query); 
$earnings = $autoexec['earnings']; 
$completed = $autoexec['completed']; 
    header ('Location: index.php'); 
          // --^ 