2017-01-19 381 views

我有幾個文件要與一個結果文件合併和分析。其中一個文件包含具有不同名稱的樣本,這些樣本會重複未知次數。我想從該文件中提取所有未知名稱,並將它們添加到下拉框(Form Control Combobox)中。Excel VBA:將數組添加到窗體控件Combobox


String 1

String 1

String 2

String 3

String 3

String 3

String 4

String 4


Sub MakeArrayInDropDown() 
    ' Declare variables 
    Dim myArray() As Variant ' Array with undefined size 
    Dim i As Integer   ' Counter for-loop 
    Dim i_UnStr As Integer  ' Counter of unique strings 
    Dim i_lastStr As Integer ' Length of strings in column A 
    Dim wb As Workbook   ' Short workbookname 
    Dim ws As Worksheet   ' Short worksheet name 
    Dim TC As Range    ' Target Cell (TC) 

    ' Set workbook and worksheet 
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook 
    Set ws = ActiveSheet 

    ' Set cell where all unique strings should go to 
    Set TC = ws.Cells(1, 3) 

    ' Determine amount of strings in column A 
    i_lastStr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

    ' Go through all strings that are in column A 
    For i = 1 To i_lastStr 

     ' Save the first string in the first position of the array 
     If i_UnStr = 0 Then 
      i_UnStr = 1 
      ReDim myArray(i_UnStr)      ' Resize array to 1 
      myArray(i_UnStr) = ws.Cells(i, 1)   ' Add first string to array 

     ' Add if next string is different from the string previously added 
     ElseIf Not StrComp(myArray(i_UnStr), ws.Cells(i, 1)) = 0 Then 
      ' Increase unique strings counter 
      i_UnStr = i_UnStr + 1 
      ' Resize array to no unique strings, preserving precious values 
      ReDim Preserve myArray(i_UnStr) 
      ' Add next unique string to array as well 
      myArray(i_UnStr) = ws.Cells(i, 1) 
     End If 
    Next i 

    ' Add Form Control dropdown to target cell 
    ws.DropDowns.Add(TC.Left, TC.Top, TC.Width, TC.Height).Name = "dropdown_row" & TC.Row 
    wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("dropdown_row" & TC.Row).ControlFormat.List = myArray 
End Sub 


Runtime error 1004: Unable to set the List property of the Dropdown class


wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("dropdown_row" & TC.Row).ControlFormat.List = _ 
    Array(myArray(1), myArray(2), myArray(3), myArray(4)) 



ws.Shapes("dropdown_row" & TC.Row).ControlFormat.List = myArray 


Runtime error 424: object required



'List'和'AddItem'方法不是屬性。 'List'只接受索引值。 – cyboashu


Thank you Cyboashu,爲什麼我創建的數組不是索引值,而另一個數組是?它可能與索引0處的空值有關,但我還不能理解它。我喜歡David的解釋(如下所示),數組不能包含混合類型,並且vbNullString可以解決這個問題。這是說它只接受索引值的簡單方法嗎? – Adriaan






wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("dropdown_row" & TC.Row).ControlFormat.List = _ 
Array(myArray(1), myArray(2), myArray(3), myArray(4)) 


注:嚴格地說,沒有必要爲你ReDim您的數組時i_UnStr = 0,陣列通常基數爲0,所以你可以使用它的方式。


myArray(0) = vbNullString 
ws.Shapes("dropdown_row" & TC.Row).ControlFormat.List = myArray 


就優化而言,如果數據量很大,我會避免使用陣列,因爲ReDim Preserve通常是一個相當昂貴的語句。

Sub MakeArrayInDropDown() 
    ' Declare variables 
    Dim i As Integer   ' Counter for-loop 
    Dim i_lastStr As Integer ' Length of strings in column A 
    Dim wb As Workbook   ' Short workbookname 
    Dim ws As Worksheet   ' Short worksheet name 
    Dim TC As Range    ' Target Cell (TC) 
    Dim DD As Shape    ' Dropdown shape 
    ' Set workbook and worksheet 
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook 
    Set ws = ActiveSheet 

    ' Set cell where all unique strings should go to 
    Set TC = ws.Cells(1, 3) 

    ' Determine amount of strings in column A 
    i_lastStr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

    ' Add Form Control dropdown to target cell 
    Set DD = ws.DropDowns.Add(TC.Left, TC.Top, TC.Width, TC.Height) 
    DD.Name = "dropdown_row" & TC.Row 
    DD.AddItem "" 'Adds a blank entry in the first row of the dropdown 
    DD.AddItem ws.Cells(i,1).Value 
    For i = 2 To i_lastStr 
     ' Add if next string is different from the string previously added 
     ElseIf Not StrComp(ws.Cells(i-1, 1), ws.Cells(i, 1)) = 0 Then 
      DD.AddItem ws.Cells(i, 1).Value 
     End If 
    Next i 

End Sub 

感謝您的迅速回復,我正在使用陣列,因此我可以將它添加到多個組合框中。我將從一個文件中獲取數組,然後爲從另一個文件中挖掘的每個數據條目添加相同的組合框。這樣我就避免了多次讀取第一個文件中的字符串。 雖然這段代碼工作得很好,但它只允許我製作一個組合框。 有沒有辦法避免形成/擦除myArray(0),或加載一個字符串?或者,也許複製整個組合框到另一個(我還沒有搜索) – Adriaan


這是否回答了您的問題? –


它可能是因爲我顯然沒有要求正確的問題,我是否應該調整我的問題,使組合框始終填充數組? – Adriaan
