我想這個功能轉自鐵血陣列到二維數組轉換,我不能夠將所有的都 原函數:轉換鋸齒狀數組二維數組C#
public static double[][] InvertMatrix(double[][] A)
int n = A.Length;
//e will represent each column in the identity matrix
double[] e;
//x will hold the inverse matrix to be returned
double[][] x = new double[n][];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
x[i] = new double[A[i].Length];
* solve will contain the vector solution for the LUP decomposition as we solve
* for each vector of x. We will combine the solutions into the double[][] array x.
* */
double[] solve;
//Get the LU matrix and P matrix (as an array)
Tuple<double[][], int[]> results = LUPDecomposition(A);
double[][] LU = results.Item1;
int[] P = results.Item2;
* Solve AX = e for each column ei of the identity matrix using LUP decomposition
* */
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
e = new double[A[i].Length];
e[i] = 1;
solve = LUPSolve(LU, P, e);
for (int j = 0; j < solve.Length; j++)
x[j][i] = solve[j];
return x;
public static double[,] InvertMatrix(double[,] A)
int n = A.Length;
//e will represent each column in the identity matrix
double[] e;
//x will hold the inverse matrix to be returned
double[,] x = new double[n][];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
//how to convert this line?
x[i] = new double[A[i].Length];
* solve will contain the vector solution for the LUP decomposition as we solve
* for each vector of x. We will combine the solutions into the double[][] array x.
* */
double[] solve;
//Get the LU matrix and P matrix (as an array)
Tuple<double[,], int[]> results = LUPDecomposition(A);
double[,] LU = results.Item1;
int[] P = results.Item2;
* Solve AX = e for each column ei of the identity matrix using LUP decomposition
* */
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
//This one too?!
e = new double[A[i].Length];
e[i] = 1;
solve = LUPSolve(LU, P, e);
for (int j = 0; j < solve.Length; j++)
x[j,i] = solve[i,j];
return x;
如何將x [i] = new double [A [i] .Length]轉換爲2D數組?