If (mouse.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) Then
Dim mousePosNow As Point = mouse.Location
Dim deltaX As Integer = mousePosNow.X - mouseDowns.X
Dim deltaY As Integer = mousePosNow.Y - mouseDowns.Y
Dim newX As Integer
Dim newY As Integer
If PictureBox1.Location.X <= Panel1.Location.X And PictureBox1.Location.Y <= Panel1.Location.Y And _
(PictureBox1.Location.X + PictureBox1.Width) >= (Panel1.Location.X + Panel1.Width) And _
(PictureBox1.Location.Y + PictureBox1.Height) >= (Panel1.Location.Y + Panel1.Height) Then
newX = PictureBox1.Location.X + deltaX
newY = PictureBox1.Location.Y + deltaY
End If
PictureBox1.Location = New Point(newX, newY)
End If
感謝的人!它真的幫助:)。 – jko