我正在使用EWS Managed Api 2.0在我的.NET 4.0應用程序中獲取Exchange 2013聯繫人。
FolderId foldid = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts);
ContactsFolder contactfolder = ContactsFolder.Bind(exservice, foldid);
ItemView view = new ItemView(500);
view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly);
// Request the items in the Contacts folder that have the properties that you selected.
FindItemsResults<Item> contactItems = exservice.FindItems(foldid, view);
// Display the list of contacts. (Note that there can be a large number of contacts in the Contacts folder.)
foreach (Item item in contactItems)
if (item is Contact)
Contact contact = item as Contact;
但是當我運行的代碼中,contactItems返回0。這很奇怪,因爲我們在交往中在Exchange 2013(ITEMCOUNT = 0,TOTALCOUNT = 0)
EWS Managed API Contact is 0 Image
怎麼辦我解決這個問題? 我已將此問題發佈到Microsoft技術問題中,但沒有人回覆。