2010-06-18 96 views


public static class SessionExtensions 
    #region HttpSessionStateBase 

    public static T Get<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session) 
     return session.Get<T>(typeof(T).Name); 

    public static T Get<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session, string key) 
     var obj = session[key]; 

     if(obj == null || typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType())) 
      return (T) obj; 

     throw new Exception("Type '" + typeof(T).Name + "' doesn't match the type of the object retreived ('" + obj.GetType().Name + "')."); 

    public static void Put<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session, T obj, string key) 
     session[key] = obj; 

    public static void Put<T>(this HttpSessionStateBase session, T obj) 
     session.Put(obj, typeof(T).Name); 


    #region HttpSessionState 

    public static T Get<T>(this HttpSessionState session) 
     return session.Get<T>(typeof(T).Name); 

    public static T Get<T>(this HttpSessionState session, string key) 
     var obj = session[ key ]; 

     if(obj == null || typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType())) 
      return (T) obj; 

     throw new Exception("Type '" + typeof(T).Name + "' doesn't match the type of the object retreived ('" + obj.GetType().Name + "')."); 

    public static void Put<T>(this HttpSessionState session, T obj) 
     session.Put(obj, typeof(T).Name); 

    public static void Put<T>(this HttpSessionState session, T obj, string key) 
     session[ key ] = obj; 





@Andrew Hare說既不實現一個通用的基礎或接口。其實,他們確實如此。他們都實現IEnumerable和ICollection。問題是,通過這些信息,您是否想創建擴展方法來擴展IEnumerable或ICollection,這些擴展方法實際上僅用於Session?也許,也許不是。無論如何,在這裏是一種方法,與HttpSessionState和HttpSessionStateBase同時延長擴展方法消除重複:

public static class SessionExtensions 
    public static T Get<T>(this ICollection collection) 
     return collection.Get<T>(typeof(T).Name); 

    public static T Get<T>(this ICollection collection, string key) 
     object obj = null; 
     dynamic session = collection as HttpSessionState ?? (dynamic) (collection as HttpSessionStateBase); 

     if(session != null) 
      obj = session[key]; 

      if (obj != null && !typeof (T).IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType())) 
       throw new Exception("Type '" + typeof (T).Name + "' doesn't match the type of the object retreived ('" + obj.GetType().Name + "')."); 

     return (T)obj; 

    public static void Put<T>(this ICollection collection, T obj) 
     collection.Put(obj, typeof(T).Name); 

    public static void Put<T>(this ICollection collection, T obj, string key) 
     dynamic session = collection as HttpSessionState ?? (dynamic) (collection as HttpSessionStateBase); 
      session[ key ] = obj; 



不幸的是,這些類型都沒有共同的基類或接口,你可以使用 - 現在你將不得不復制擴展方法。



SomeType t = new HttpSessionStateWrapper(SomeHttpSessionStateInstance) 