我想在我的tic tac toe遊戲中使用一個指針動態地分配一個數組。我對指針的工作方式有點困惑。我們使用cplusplus.com網站作爲教科書,我認爲關於指針的部分對我來說有點令人困惑。是否有可能得到它的解釋,並可能幫助我做到這一點,我的井字遊戲?這是我的代碼:使用指針動態分配數組
//Sophia Ali
// TicTacToe (CS-509 Assignment 5)
using namespace std;
enum Status { WIN, DRAW, CONTINUE, QUIT };
void showBoard(const char board[], int boardSize);
// show current state of board
Status checkGameState(const char board[]);
// returns WIN or CONTINUE
int getHumanSquare(const char board[]);
int getComputerSquare(const char board[]);
bool checkBadSquare(const char board[], int squareNum);
// checks to see if a chosen square is already taken; returns true if
// already taken; used by get*Square functions above.
int getrandint(int min, int max);
int main()
char board[] = "123456789"; // 10 element char board
const int boardSize = 10;
Status gameState = CONTINUE;
int gametype, squareChoice, turnNum = 0;
char currentSymbol; // 'o' or 'x'
cout << "\n This is a Tic Tac Toe program. Choose the type of game: "
<< "\n (1) human o vs. human x (2) human o vs. dumb computer x"
<< "\n\n -> ";
cin >> gametype;
/* Show the current state of Tic Tac Toe board. */
showBoard(board, boardSize);
Main game loop
while (gameState == CONTINUE)
/* Increment turnNum by 1. */
/* If turnNum equal to 10
Set gameState to DRAW.
Break out of while loop. */
if (turnNum == 10)
gameState = DRAW;
/* If we are on an odd-numbered turn
Print "It's o's turn."
Set currentSymbol to 'o'.
Call getHumanSquare function to get squareChoice.
Else (we are on an even-numbered turn)
Print "It's x's turn."
Set currentSymbol to 'x'.
If the gametype is 1 (human vs. human)
Call getHumanSquare function to get squareChoice.
Else (gametype is 2 (human vs. computer))
Call getComputerSquare function to get squareChoice.*/
// Get current player's square choice and insert into board
if (turnNum%2 != 0)
cout << "\n It's o's turn.";
currentSymbol = 'o';
squareChoice = getHumanSquare(board);
cout << "\n It's x's turn.";
currentSymbol = 'x';
if (gametype == 1)
squareChoice = getHumanSquare(board);
squareChoice = getComputerSquare(board);
/* If squareChoice is -1 (human player quit)
Set gameState to QUIT.
Insert currentSymbol into board at (squareChoice - 1).
Show the current state of the Tic Tac Toe board.
Call checkGameState function to determine the gameState. */
if (squareChoice == -1)
gameState = QUIT;
board[ squareChoice - 1 ] = currentSymbol;
showBoard(board, boardSize);
gameState = checkGameState(board);
} // end while
/* If gameState is WIN
print "Player " currentSymbol " is the winner." */
/* If gameState is DRAW
print "It's a draw." */
if (gameState == WIN)
cout << "Player " <<currentSymbol << " is the winner.";
if (gameState == DRAW)
cout << "It's a draw.";
return 0;
} // end main
void showBoard(const char board [], int size)
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < size ; i++)
cout << board[ i ] << " ";
if ((i + 1) % 3 == 0)
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
Status checkGameState(const char board[])
// Board Array
// 1 2 3 0 1 2
// 4 5 6 --> 3 4 5
// 7 8 9 6 7 8
// Diagonal winners
if (board[ 0 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 0 ] == board[ 8 ])
return WIN;
else if (board[ 2 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 6 ])
return WIN;
// Horizontal winners
else if (board[ 0 ] == board[ 1 ] && board[ 1 ] == board[ 2 ])
return WIN;
else if (board[ 3 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 5 ])
return WIN;
else if (board[ 6 ] == board[ 7 ] && board[ 7 ] == board[ 8 ])
return WIN;
// Vertical winners
else if (board[ 0 ] == board[ 3 ] && board[ 3 ] == board[ 6 ])
return WIN;
else if (board[ 1 ] == board[ 4 ] && board[ 4 ] == board[ 7 ])
return WIN;
else if (board[ 2 ] == board[ 5 ] && board[ 5 ] == board[ 8 ])
return WIN;
return CONTINUE;
int getHumanSquare(const char board[])
int squareNum;
cout << "\n Input the number of an empty square: (-1 to quit) ";
cin >> squareNum;
while (checkBadSquare(board, squareNum) == true)
cout << "\n Bad input. Choose another square: ";
cin >> squareNum;
return squareNum;
int getComputerSquare(const char board[])
int squareNum;
squareNum = getrandint(1, 9);
while (checkBadSquare(board, squareNum) == true)
squareNum = getrandint(1, 9);
return squareNum;
bool checkBadSquare(const char board[], int squareNum)
int realSquareNum = squareNum - 1; // count from 0
if (squareNum == -1)
return false; // Let quit code pass as a valid square
else if (squareNum > 9)
return true; // Square numbers out of range are invalid
else if (board[ realSquareNum ] == 'o' || board[ realSquareNum ] == 'x')
return true; // Occupied squares are invalid
return false; // Valid square number
int getrandint(int min, int max)
int scale, shift;
scale = max - min + 1;
shift = min;
return rand() % scale + shift;
cplusplus.com網站不是教科書。就這麼簡單。 – chris
哪部分代碼令人困惑?也許[這](http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/106/)會有所幫助。更好的是,閱讀[this](http://pw1.netcom.com/~tjensen/ptr/pointers.htm) –
只是一個離題的提示:你的評論太多了。例如'/ *將turnNum加1. * /'後跟'turnNum ++;'。只是'turnNum ++;'本身就非常清楚明確。它還降低了更改代碼並忘記更改註釋的風險。 –