2013-06-21 42 views



$ php app/console generate:bundle 


Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? 
Importing the bundle routing resource: FAILED 

    The command was not able to configure everything automatically. 
    You must do the following changes manually.      

Bundle PulsestormHelloworldBundle is already imported. 



  1. 我刪除從AppKernel

  2. 捆綁申報我重新生成的app/bootstrap.php.cache文件中使用build_bootstrap.php腳本

  3. 我打消了我的包的源代碼從src它生成的文件夾(此文件夾爲空)


Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? 
Importing the bundle routing resource: FAILED  

    The command was not able to configure everything automatically. 
    You must do the following changes manually.      

Bundle PulsestormHelloworldBundle is already imported. 



$ php app/console generate:bundle 

    Welcome to the Symfony2 bundle generator 

Your application code must be written in bundles. This command helps 
you generate them easily. 

Each bundle is hosted under a namespace (like Acme/Bundle/BlogBundle). 
The namespace should begin with a "vendor" name like your company name, your 
project name, or your client name, followed by one or more optional category 
sub-namespaces, and it should end with the bundle name itself 
(which must have Bundle as a suffix). 

See http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/best_practices.html#index-1 for more 
details on bundle naming conventions. 

Use/instead of \ for the namespace delimiter to avoid any problem. 

Bundle namespace: Pulsestorm/Bundle/HelloworldBundle 

In your code, a bundle is often referenced by its name. It can be the 
concatenation of all namespace parts but it's really up to you to come 
up with a unique name (a good practice is to start with the vendor name). 
Based on the namespace, we suggest PulsestormHelloworldBundle. 

Bundle name [PulsestormHelloworldBundle]: 

The bundle can be generated anywhere. The suggested default directory uses 
the standard conventions. 

Target directory [/Users/alanstorm/Documents/github_oro/crm-application/src]: 

Determine the format to use for the generated configuration. 

Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation) [annotation]: yml 

To help you get started faster, the command can generate some 
code snippets for you. 

Do you want to generate the whole directory structure [no]? yes 

    Summary before generation 

You are going to generate a "Pulsestorm\Bundle\HelloworldBundle\PulsestormHelloworldBundle" bundle 
in "/Users/alanstorm/Documents/github_oro/crm-application/src/" using the "yml" format. 

Do you confirm generation [yes]? 

    Bundle generation 

Generating the bundle code: OK 
Checking that the bundle is autoloaded: OK 
Confirm automatic update of your Kernel [yes]? 
Enabling the bundle inside the Kernel: OK 
Confirm automatic update of the Routing [yes]? 
Importing the bundle routing resource: FAILED 

    The command was not able to configure everything automatically. 
    You must do the following changes manually.      

Bundle PulsestormHelloworldBundle is already imported. 

'Bundle PulsestormHelloworldBundle已經導入.''檢查你的'routing.yml'。看起來你已經爲這個包添加了路由 –


@forgottenbas這似乎不太可能,因爲在嘗試重新創建它之前,該包已從src'中刪除。或者是否有另一個routing.yml的地方?還是CLI在前面的步驟中生成的代碼混淆? –


@forgottenbas和從頭開始 - 我剛剛發現了'app/confgig/routing.yml'。感謝您的提示,很有幫助。 –






    resource: "@PulsestormHelloworldBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" 
    prefix: /
