2009-01-17 82 views


[Class(0, Name = "Product", Table = "Products")] 
public class Product 
    private readonly ISet<ProductPropertyValue> _productPropertyValues; 
    private readonly ISet<ProductImage> _productImages; 
    private readonly ISet<ProductComment> _productComments; 
    private readonly IList<Category> _categories; 
    private readonly ISet<Rate> _rates; 

    public Product() 
     _productPropertyValues = new HashedSet<ProductPropertyValue>(); 
     _productImages = new HashedSet<ProductImage>(); 
     _productComments = new HashedSet<ProductComment>(); 
     _categories = new List<Category>(); 
     _rates = new HashedSet<Rate>(); ; 

    [Id(0, Name = "ProductId", Type = "Int32", Column = "ProductID")] 
    [Generator(1, Class = "native")] 
    public virtual Int32 ProductId { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "Description", Column = "Description", Type = "string")] 
    public virtual String Description { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "ShortDescription", Column = "ShortDescription", Type = "string")] 
    public virtual String ShortDescription { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "ProductName", Column = "ProductName", Type = "string")] 
    public virtual String ProductName { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "UnitPrice", Column = "UnitPrice", Type = "double")] 
    public virtual double UnitPrice { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "UnitsInStock", Column = "UnitsInStock", Type = "int")] 
    public virtual int UnitsInStock { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "MainImagePath", Column = "MainImagePath", Type = "string")] 
    public virtual String MainImagePath { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "NumberOfSales", Column = "NumberOfSales", Type = "int")] 
    public virtual int NumberOfSales { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "NumberOfViews", Column = "NumberOfViews", Type = "int")] 
    public virtual int NumberOfViews { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "IsSpecial", Column = "IsSpecial", Type = "boolean")] 
    public virtual bool IsSpecial { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "AdditionDate", Column = "AdditionDate", Type = "DateTime")] 
    public virtual DateTime AdditionDate { get; set; } 

    [Property(Name = "Enabled", Column = "Enabled", Type = "boolean")] 
    public virtual bool Enabled { get; set; } 

    [Bag(0, Name = "Categories", Lazy = true, Table = "Products_Categories", 
     Access = "field.camelcase-underscore", Cascade = "none")] 
    [Key(1, Column = "ProductID")] 
    [ManyToMany(2, Class = "Category", Column = "CategoryID")] 
    public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<Category> Categories 
     get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Category>(_categories); } 

    [Set(0, Name = "ProductComments", Lazy = true, Access = "field.camelcase-underscore", 
     Cascade = "save-update", Inverse = true)] 
    [Key(1, Column = "ProductID")] 
    [OneToMany(2, Class = "ProductComment")] 
    public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<ProductComment> ProductComments 
     get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ProductComment>(new List<ProductComment>(_productComments)); } 

    [Set(0, Name = "ProductImages", Lazy = true, Access = "field.camelcase-underscore", 
     Cascade = "save-update")] 
    [Key(1, Column = "ProductID")] 
    [OneToMany(2, Class = "ProductImage")] 
    public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<ProductImage> ProductImages 
     get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ProductImage>(new List<ProductImage>(_productImages)); } 

    [Set(0, Name = "ProductPropertyValues", Lazy = true, Access = "field.camelcase-underscore", 
     Cascade = "save-update")] 
    [Key(1, Column = "ProductID")] 
    [OneToMany(2, Class = "ProductPropertyValue")] 
    public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<ProductPropertyValue> ProductPropertyValues 
     get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<ProductPropertyValue>(new List<ProductPropertyValue>(_productPropertyValues)); } 

    [Set(0, Name = "Rates", Lazy = true, Access = "field.camelcase-underscore", 
     Cascade = "save-update")] 
    [Key(1, Column = "ProductID")] 
    [OneToMany(2, Class = "Rate")] 
    public virtual ReadOnlyCollection<Rate> Rates 
     get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Rate>(new List<Rate>(_rates)); } 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Gets everage rate. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <value>The everage rate.</value> 
    public double AverageRate 
      if (_rates.Count != 0) 
       return _rates.Average(x => x.Value);  
      return 0; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Gets rounded average rate. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <value>The rounded average rate.</value> 
    public Int32 AverageRateRounded 
      return (int)Math.Round(AverageRate); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Gets the number of votes. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <value>The number of votes.</value> 
    public Int32 NumberOfVotes 
      return _rates.Count; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Add new comment to current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="commentToAdd">Comment to add</param> 
    public virtual void AddComment(ProductComment commentToAdd) 
     if (commentToAdd != null) 
      if (!_productComments.Contains(commentToAdd)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Delete comment from current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="commentToDelete"></param> 
    public virtual void DeleteComment(ProductComment commentToDelete) 
     if (commentToDelete != null) 
      if (_productComments.Contains(commentToDelete)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Add image to current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="imageToAdd">Image to add</param> 
    public virtual void AddImage(ProductImage imageToAdd) 
     if (imageToAdd != null) 
      if (!_productImages.Contains(imageToAdd)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Delete image from current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="imageToDelete">Image to delete</param> 
    public virtual void DeleteImage(ProductImage imageToDelete) 
     if (imageToDelete != null) 
      if (_productImages.Contains(imageToDelete)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Add property to current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="valueToAdd">Value to add</param> 
    public virtual void AddProrerty(ProductPropertyValue valueToAdd) 
     if (valueToAdd != null) 
      if (!_productPropertyValues.Contains(valueToAdd)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Delete property from current product 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="valueToDelete">Value to delete</param> 
    public virtual void DeleteProperty(ProductPropertyValue valueToDelete) 
     if (valueToDelete != null) 
      if (_productPropertyValues.Contains(valueToDelete)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Adds rate to current product. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="rate">The rate.</param> 
    public virtual void AddRate(Rate rate) 
     if (rate != null) 
      if (!_rates.Contains(rate)) 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Deletes rate from product. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="rate">The rate.</param> 
    public virtual void DeleteRate(Rate rate) 
     if (rate != null) 
      if (_rates.Contains(rate)) 


[Class(0, Name = "Rate", Table = "Rates")] 
public class Rate 
    [KeyManyToOne(2, Name = "Product", Class = "Product", Column = "ProductId")] 
    [KeyManyToOne(3, Name = "User", Class = "User", Column = "UserId")] 
    public virtual Product Product { get; set; } 

    public virtual User User { get; set; } 

    [Property(0, Name = "Value", Column = "Value", Type = "Int32")] 
    public virtual Int32 Value { get; set; } 


我需要在DESC訂單中獲取平均評級的所有產品。此外,它應該可以從Product的任何字段進行過濾,例如,價格:從1000美元到5000美元。 謝謝。





select p 
from Product p join p.Rates r 
where (p.Price >= 1000 and p.Price <= 5000) 
order by avg(r.Value) desc 

我想打一點點吧,但我有點懶得設置一個小的測試項目。在任何情況下,如果你想獲取這些產品,要在總覽或其他類似的東西中顯示它們,我會使用Projections和AliasToBean轉換器,這樣NHibernate會發出一個簡單的查詢,並且僅檢索您需要顯示概覽的那些值。 爲了做到這一點,你將不得不創建另一個課程,它將保存將被檢索的值。