2011-11-09 31 views


on run argv 
tell application "Finder" 
    set diskname to item 1 of argv 
    tell disk diskname 
     set current view of container window to icon view 
     set toolbar visible of container window to false 
     set statusbar visible of container window to false 
     set bounds of container window to {400, 100, 900, 699} 
     set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window 
     set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged 
     set icon size of theViewOptions to 100 
     set background picture of theViewOptions to file "background.png" 
     set file_list to every file 
     repeat with i in file_list 
      if the name of i is "Applications" then 
       set the position of i to {368, 135} 
      else if the name of i ends with ".app" then 
       set the position of i to {134, 135} 
      end if 
      -- Change the 7 to change the color: 0 is no label, then red, 
      -- orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, or gray. 
      set the label index of i to 7 
     end repeat 
     update without registering applications 
     delay 4 
    end tell 
end tell 
end run 

窗口的設定正確,但有一個例外:在500x600 background.png圖像縮小到原尺寸的三分之一左右,並放置在左上角。我無法解釋爲什麼會發生這種情況。有什麼建議麼?


我試圖做同樣的想法使.dmg的背景,你能告訴我什麼是我需要的完整代碼? –




我在OS X Lion上遇到了這個問題。事實證明,獅子會要求文件夾的背景圖像設置爲72 DPI。我使用的圖像是200 DPI,因此Lion從它的實際像素中縮小了它。

我重新保存了72 DPI的聲明分辨率的圖像,它完美地工作。


這不是愚蠢的,它只是選擇了一種做事而不是另一種的方式。在很多情況下,擴展圖像以顯示每個像素而不是尊重其宣佈的分辨率將是無益的行爲。 – nekomatic
