我有以下宏循環瀏覽目錄並將數據放入我的主文件中。主文件夾包含有關員工在特定項目上的花費時間的所有信息。但是,員工小時文件(非主文件)的工作表名稱可能有所不同。我設法改變這種爲activesheet(原材),但我不知道如何調整這個對於非主動(非主)張(公式中的這個特定的句子:Set CurrentWBSht = CurrentWB.Sheets("Sheet1")
Option Explicit
Sub CopyToMasterFile()
Dim MasterWB As Workbook
Dim MasterSht As Worksheet
Dim MasterWBShtLstRw As Long
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim TempFile
Dim CurrentWB As Workbook
Dim CurrentWBSht As Worksheet
Dim CurrentShtLstRw As Long
Dim CurrentShtRowRef As Long
Dim CopyRange As Range
Dim ProjectNumber As String
Dim wbname As String
Dim sheetname As String
wbname = ActiveWorkbook.Name
sheetname = ActiveSheet.Name
FolderPath = "C:\test file\"
TempFile = Dir(FolderPath)
Dim WkBk As Workbook
Dim WkBkIsOpen As Boolean
'Check is master is open already
For Each WkBk In Workbooks
If WkBk.Name = wbname Then WkBkIsOpen = True
Next WkBk
If WkBkIsOpen Then
Set MasterWB = Workbooks(wbname)
Set MasterSht = MasterWB.Sheets(sheetname)
Set MasterWB = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & wbname)
Set MasterSht = MasterWB.Sheets(sheetname)
End If
ProjectNumber = MasterSht.Cells(1, 1).Value
Do While Len(TempFile) > 0
'Checking that the file is not the master and that it is a xlsx
If Not TempFile = wbname And InStr(1, TempFile, "xlsx", vbTextCompare) Then
Set CopyRange = Nothing
'Note this is the last used Row, next empty row will be this plus 1
With MasterSht
MasterWBShtLstRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
Set CurrentWB = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & TempFile)
Set CurrentWBSht = CurrentWB.Sheets("Sheet1")
With CurrentWBSht
CurrentShtLstRw = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "AE").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For CurrentShtRowRef = 1 To CurrentShtLstRw
If CurrentWBSht.Cells(CurrentShtRowRef, "AE").Value = ProjectNumber Then
'This is set to copy from Column A to Column L as per the question
If CopyRange Is Nothing Then
'If there is nothing in Copy range then union wont work
'so first row of the work sheet needs to set the initial copyrange
Set CopyRange = CurrentWBSht.Range("AE" & CurrentShtRowRef & _
":AQ" & CurrentShtRowRef)
'Union is quicker to be able to copy from the sheet once
Set CopyRange = Union(CopyRange, _
CurrentWBSht.Range("AE" & CurrentShtRowRef & _
":AQ" & CurrentShtRowRef))
End If ' ending If CopyRange Is Nothing ....
End If ' ending If CurrentWBSht.Cells....
Next CurrentShtRowRef
'add 1 to the master file last row to be the next open row
MasterSht.Cells(MasterWBShtLstRw + 1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
CurrentWB.Close savechanges:=False
End If 'ending If Not TempFile = "master.xlsx" And ....
TempFile = Dir
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:M200").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), Header:=xlYes
End Sub
感謝您的回覆。這很簡單,我想我覺得太複雜了,謝謝! – Smits