我正在使用jQuery DataTables插件創建HTML表格並使用DataTables TableTools生成我的表格數據的PDF。它現在工作正常,我想在生成的PDF中添加頁眉和頁腳。 PDF生成代碼使用AlivePDF以ActonScript3文件編寫。所以任何人都可以幫助我如何在我使用AlivePDF的ActionScript3文件中添加頁眉和頁腳代碼。下面是代碼:在使用AlivePDF創建的PDF中添加頁眉和頁腳

package { 

    import flash.display.Stage; 
    import flash.display.Sprite; 
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo; 
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode; 
    import flash.events.*; 
    import flash.display.StageAlign; 
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode; 
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface; 
    import flash.system.Security; 
    import flash.utils.*; 
    import flash.system.System; 
    import flash.net.FileReference; 
    import flash.net.FileFilter; 

    /* PDF imports */ 
    import org.alivepdf.pdf.PDF; 
    import org.alivepdf.data.Grid; 
    import org.alivepdf.data.GridColumn; 
    import org.alivepdf.layout.Orientation; 
    import org.alivepdf.layout.Size; 
    import org.alivepdf.layout.Unit; 
    import org.alivepdf.display.Display; 
    import org.alivepdf.saving.Method; 
    import org.alivepdf.fonts.FontFamily; 
    import org.alivepdf.fonts.Style; 
    import org.alivepdf.fonts.CoreFont; 
    import org.alivepdf.colors.RGBColor; 

    public class ZeroClipboard extends Sprite { 

     private var domId:String = ''; 
     private var button:Sprite; 
     private var clipText:String = 'blank'; 
     private var fileName:String = ''; 
     private var action:String = 'copy'; 
     private var incBom:Boolean = true; 
     private var charSet:String = 'utf8'; 

     public function ZeroClipboard() { 
      // constructor, setup event listeners and external interfaces 
      stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT; 

      // import flashvars 
      var flashvars:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters; 
      domId = flashvars.id.split("\\").join("\\\\"); 

      // Validate id to prevent scripting attacks. The id given is an integer 
      if (domId !== parseInt(domId, 10).toString()) { 
       throw new Error('Invalid DOM id'); 

      // invisible button covers entire stage 
      button = new Sprite(); 
      button.buttonMode = true; 
      button.useHandCursor = true; 
      button.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); 
      button.alpha = 0.0; 

      button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(event:Event):void { 
      button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(event:Event):void { 
       ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'mouseOver', null); 
      button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, function(event:Event):void { 
       ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'mouseOut', null); 
      button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(event:Event):void { 
       ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'mouseDown', null); 
      button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function(event:Event):void { 
       ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'mouseUp', null); 

      // External functions - readd whenever the stage is made active for IE 
      stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, addCallbacks); 

      // signal to the browser that we are ready 
      ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'load', null); 

     public function addCallbacks (evt:Event = null):void { 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setHandCursor", setHandCursor); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("clearText", clearText); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setText", setText); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("appendText", appendText); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setFileName", setFileName); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setAction", setAction); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setCharSet", setCharSet); 
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("setBomInc", setBomInc); 

     public function setCharSet(newCharSet:String):void { 
      if (newCharSet == 'UTF16LE') { 
       charSet = newCharSet; 
      } else { 
       charSet = 'UTF8'; 

     public function setBomInc(newBomInc:Boolean):void { 
      incBom = newBomInc; 

     public function clearText():void { 
      clipText = ''; 

     public function appendText(newText:String):void { 
      clipText += newText; 

     public function setText(newText:String):void { 
      clipText = newText; 

     public function setFileName(newFileName:String):void { 
      fileName = newFileName; 

     public function setAction(newAction:String):void { 
      action = newAction; 

     public function setHandCursor(enabled:Boolean):void { 
      // control whether the hand cursor is shown on rollover (true) 
      // or the default arrow cursor (false) 
      button.useHandCursor = enabled; 

     private function clickHandler(event:Event):void { 
      var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference(); 
      fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, saveComplete); 

      if (action == "save") { 
       /* Save as a file */ 
       if (charSet == 'UTF16LE') { 
        fileRef.save(strToUTF16LE(clipText), fileName); 
       } else { 
        fileRef.save(strToUTF8(clipText), fileName); 
      } else if (action == "pdf") { 
       /* Save as a PDF */ 
       var pdf:PDF = configPdf(); 
       fileRef.save(pdf.save(Method.LOCAL), fileName); 
      } else { 
       /* Copy the text to the clipboard. Note charset and BOM have no effect here */ 
       ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'complete', clipText); 

     private function saveComplete(event:Event):void { 
      ExternalInterface.call('ZeroClipboard_TableTools.dispatch', domId, 'complete', clipText); 

     private function getProp(prop:String, opts:Array):String 
      var i:int, iLen:int; 
      for (i=0, iLen=opts.length ; i<iLen ; i++) 
       if (opts[i].indexOf(prop+":") != -1) 
        return opts[i].replace(prop+":", ""); 
      return ""; 

     private function configPdf():PDF 
       i:int, iLen:int, 
       splitText:Array = clipText.split("--/TableToolsOpts--\n"), 
       opts:Array   = splitText[0].split("\n"), 
       dataIn:Array  = splitText[1].split("\n"), 
       aColRatio:Array = getProp('colWidth', opts).split('\t'), 
       title:String  = getProp('title', opts), 
       message:String  = getProp('message', opts), 
       orientation:String = getProp('orientation', opts), 
       size:String  = getProp('size', opts), 
       iPageWidth:int  = 0, 
       dataOut:Array  = [], 
       columns:Array  = [], 
       y:int = 0; 

      /* Create the PDF */ 
      pdf = new PDF(Orientation[orientation.toUpperCase()], Unit.MM, Size[size.toUpperCase()]); 
      iPageWidth = pdf.getCurrentPage().w-20; 
      pdf.textStyle(new RGBColor(0), 1); 

      /* Add the title/message if there is one */ 
      pdf.setFont(new CoreFont(FontFamily.HELVETICA), 14); 
      if (title != "") 
       pdf.writeText(11, title+"\n"); 

      pdf.setFont(new CoreFont(FontFamily.HELVETICA), 11); 
      if (message != "") 
       pdf.writeText(11, message+"\n"); 

      /* Data setup. Split up the headers, and then construct the columns */ 
      for (i=0, iLen=dataIn.length ; i<iLen ; i++) 
       if (dataIn[i] != "") 
      headers = dataOut.shift(); 

      for (i=0, iLen=headers.length ; i<iLen ; i++) 
       columns.push(new GridColumn(" \n"+headers[i]+"\n ", i.toString(), aColRatio[i]*iPageWidth, 'C')); 

      var grid:Grid = new Grid(
       dataOut,     /* 1. data */ 
       iPageWidth,    /* 2. width */ 
       100,      /* 3. height */ 
       new RGBColor (0xE0E0E0), /* 4. headerColor */ 
       new RGBColor (0xFFFFFF), /* 5. backgroundColor */ 
       true,      /* 6. alternateRowColor */ 
       new RGBColor (0x0),  /* 7. borderColor */ 
       .1,      /* 8. border alpha */ 
       null,      /* 9. joins */ 
       columns     /* 10. columns */ 

      pdf.addGrid(grid, 0, y); 
      return pdf; 

     * Function: strToUTF8 
     * Purpose: Convert a string to the output utf-8 
     * Returns: ByteArray 
     * Inputs: String 
     private function strToUTF8(str:String):ByteArray { 
      var utf8:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); 

      /* BOM first */ 
      if (incBom) { 

      return utf8; 

     * Function: strToUTF16LE 
     * Purpose: Convert a string to the output utf-16 
     * Returns: ByteArray 
     * Inputs: String 
     * Notes: The fact that this function is needed is a little annoying. Basically, strings in 
     * AS3 are UTF-16 (with surrogate pairs and everything), but characters which take up less 
     * than 8 bytes appear to be stored as only 8 bytes. This function effective adds the 
     * padding required, and the BOM 
     private function strToUTF16LE(str:String):ByteArray { 
      var utf16:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); 
      var iChar:uint; 
      var i:uint=0, iLen:uint = str.length; 

      /* BOM first */ 
      if (incBom) { 

      while (i < iLen) { 
       iChar = str.charCodeAt(i); 

       if (iChar < 0xFF) { 
        /* one byte char */ 
       } else { 
        /* two byte char */ 
        utf16.writeByte(iChar & 0x00FF); 
        utf16.writeByte(iChar >> 8); 


      return utf16; 






謝謝@哈里森,我用不同的方式做到了這一點。我用image作爲base64來添加PDF。 – 2015-03-20 09:46:53
