2012-10-05 65 views


// This is an example, a test, of what I want emacs filling, in this case of C++ comments, to do. 
// This is a paragraph that needs to get filled. 
//  But I want to start a new paragraph, within the same comment, that is indented, 
// but not joined to the previous by filling. 
//  And another. 


// This is an example, a test, of what I want emacs filling, 
// in this case of C++ commentrs to do. This is a paragraph 
// that needs to get filled. But I want to start a new 
// paagraph, within the same comment, that is indented, but 
// not joined the the previous by filling. And another. 


// This is an example, a test, of what I want emacs filling, 
// in this case of C++ comments to do. This is a paragraph 
// that needs to get filled. 
//  But I want to start a new paragraph, within the same 
// comment, that is indented, but not joined to the previous 
// by filling. 
//  And another. 


GNU Emacs的24.1.1



This is an example, a test, of what I want emacs filling, 
in this case of non-comments to do. This is a paragraph 
that needs to get filled. 
    But I want to start a new paragraph, within the same 
comment, that is indented, but not joined to the previous 
by filling. 
    And another. 



你能告訴我們你在做加盟行嗎? – Alan


@Alan:我不明白的問題:或者說,我想我明白這個問題,但它是無關緊要的。你似乎在問我在按什麼電子模式鍵。忘記這一點:我在詢問如何重新格式化一段ascii文本。 Libe libe等結尾處的換行符 –


@KrazyGlew在三年前已被問及,您是否找到答案? –



您可以通過各種regex variables進行控制。你也許可以得到它做你想要的,但它是一個有點「藝術」。