2013-06-20 79 views


type Broadcast = Int 
type BroadcastChan = TChan Broadcast 

data SessionState = SessionState 
    { _broadcastChan :: BroadcastChan 

makeLenses ''SessionState 

type Session m = StateT SessionState m 
type SessionIO = Session IO 

-- This function requires the state and IO... 
processBroadcast :: Broadcast -> Conduit Broadcast SessionIO Packet 
processBroadcast = undefined 

-- | Handles networking 
protocol :: Conduit Packet SessionIO Packet 
protocol = do 
    ch <- lift $ use broadcastChan 
    -- line 51: 
    whileJust_ (liftIO . atomically $ tryReadTChan ch) (\x -> yield $ processBroadcast x) 
    liftIO $ putStrLn "End" 


    Couldn't match expected type `Packet' 
       with actual type `Conduit Broadcast SessionIO Packet' 
    Expected type: ConduitM Packet Packet SessionIO b0 
     Actual type: ConduitM 
        Packet (Conduit Broadcast SessionIO Packet) m0() 
    In the expression: yield $ processBroadcast x 
    In the second argument of `whileJust_', namely 
     `(\ x -> yield $ processBroadcast x)' 



51行標記。 – kvanberendonck




import Control 
type Broadcast = Int 
type BroadcastChan = TChan Broadcast 

data SessionState = SessionState 
    { _broadcastChan :: BroadcastChan 

makeLenses ''SessionState 

type Session m = StateT SessionState m 
type SessionIO = Session IO 

-- This function requires the state and IO... 
processBroadcast :: Broadcast -> Conduit a SessionIO Packet 
processBroadcast b = undefined 

-- | Handles networking 
protocol :: Conduit Packet SessionIO Packet 
protocol = do 
    ch <- lift $ use broadcastChan 
    -- line 51: 
    whileJust_ (liftIO . atomically $ tryReadTChan ch) processBroadcast 
    liftIO $ putStrLn "End" 



爲了更進一步,我做了一些研究,正確的類型別名是' - > Producer SessionIO Packet'。謝謝! – kvanberendonck