我完全被我遇到的錯誤困惑。我一直在努力尋找解決辦法,我想知道有沒有人看到過這樣的事情,或知道發生了什麼。JavaScript Array元素消失
我正在使用Angular with Typescript。這裏是我的代碼:
* I get todaysItems a little higher in the constructor from a different service. It looks
* like this:
* {
* day: "Monday",
* price: 5.00,
* items_name: "1/4 Pounder with Cheese and Chips",
* items: [
* {name: "1/4 Pounder with Cheese", price: 4.50},
* {name: "Small Chips", price: 2.50}
* ],
* ad_hoc_price: 7
* }
private todaysItems: Item[] = [];
compareArrays (myArray: Item[], compare: Item[]) {
var self = this;
if (compare.every(function(val) {
var index = self.arrayObjectIndexOf(myArray, val.name, "name");
if (index !== -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
})) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
arrayObjectIndexOf(myArray, searchTerm, property) {
for(var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++) {
if (myArray[i][property] === searchTerm) {
return i;
return -1;
* The cart has a property items_in_cart which is working fine, I can add elements to it
* and remove them with no issue.
addItem (item: Item, totalPrice: number, cart: Cart) {
totalPrice += item.price;
return {
newPrice: totalPrice,
newCart: cart
addItem (item: Item, totalPrice: number, cart: Cart) {
totalPrice += item.price;
console.log(this.compareArrays(cart.items_in_cart, this.todaysItems));
return {
newPrice: totalPrice,
newCart: cart
只是補充說一點的console.log(),它調用我的compareArrays()函數踢所有this.todaysItems的元素出來的車。 items_in_cart。這是超級怪誕的,我不知道發生了什麼。
多次閱讀帖子。沒有得到上下文。修改它 – Aravind
我剛剛在頂部添加了一點解釋,這是否使它更清晰? – Will
你有一個比較邪惡的'compareArrays'函數。這就是爲什麼。具體來說,它不會做它所宣稱的。這就像「如果我們找到一場比賽,那麼我們就開始銷燬東西!」。如果一個函數不能將其命名爲'compareArrays'。 –