2014-03-12 98 views

下午好,的ArcGIS SelectLayerByLocation_managerment錯誤000368:無效的輸入數據

我一直在敲打我的頭撞牆試圖讓arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_managerment工作,不能找到一個解決辦法 - 我使用ArcMap /目錄10.2。


arcpy.AddMessage("\n Checking Script for Errors...") 
         #Script to split one layer (OSMM/OSVML) into parts, parts defined by another layer. 
import arcpy 
import os 
      #References users Map document - get parameter input from prompt 
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)) 
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Frame")[0] 
arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) 

     #For loop to iterate through all layers in dataframe 
for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"",df): 
        #Get layer name 
      layerName = lyr.name 
        #Skip the OS File 
      if layerName == "OSMM_Line_Detail": 
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n Skipping " + layerName) 
          #Inform users of layer being processed 
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n Processing: " + layerName) 
          #Select the wanted layer that is within a distance of the current layer 
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n Select by location") 
          #Create directory for file (http://desk.stinkpot.org:8080/tricks/index.php/2006/07/create-a-directory-in-python/) 
        dirname = ("C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Test Data\Basemapping and Boundary Data\Split line by area\Line " + layerName) 
        if not os.path.isdir(dirname + "/"): 
          arcpy.AddMessage("\n Directory not found, creating directoy for: " + layerName) 
          os.mkdir(dirname + "/") 
          #Exports the selection of layer to new directory 
        arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2), ""C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Test Data\Basemapping and Boundary Data\Split line by area\Line " + layerName) 
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n Completed split for " + layerName) 

arcpy.AddMessage("\n Script complete") 
        #delete variables created 
del lyr 
del df 
del mxd 
      #script ends 


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "C:\Users\Richard.Lauberts\Documents\LIS Data\Toolbox and Scripts\Python Script for Splitting MasterMap by Site.py", line 26, in <module> 
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management('OSMM_Line_Detail',"WITHIN_A_DISTANCE",layerName,'110 Meters',"NEW_SELECTION") 
    File "c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.2\arcpy\arcpy\management.py", line 6618, in SelectLayerByLocation 
    raise e 
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. 
ERROR 000368: Invalid input data. 
Failed to execute (SelectLayerByLocation). 

我已經將文件導出到一個地理數據庫,並重新來源的圖層,我曾嘗試使用ArcPy中。 MakeFeatureLayer_management建議在其他一些職位,試圖硬編碼的文件名稱,而不是使用GetParameterAsTest,似乎沒有任何幫助!




前面的錯別字:錯位「」倒數第二行。您可能需要「C:\ Users \」等的「r」前面。讓python從字面上讀取\字符。 –



這應該不是問題,但有時候arcpy的小腦袋不能完全處理嵌套命令。嘗試從參數中取出GetParameterAsText - 使其成爲一個帶有變量名的單獨行,並在需要時將其從文本更改爲數字格式。
