public class ElectConfi {
public static void main(String s[]) {
int atomicNumber = 37;
String electronConfiguration = getElectronConfiguration(atomicNumber);
public static String getElectronConfiguration(int atomicNumber) {
int[] config = new int[20]; //dito nag store ng number of elec. in each of the 20
String[] orbitals = {"1s^", "2s^", "2p^", "3s^", "3p^", "4s^", "3d^", "4p^", "5s^",
"4d^", "5p^", "6s^", "4f^", "5d^", "6p^", "7s^", "5f^", "6d^", "7p^", "8s^"};
//Names of the orbitals
String result="";
for(int i=0;i<20;i++) //dito ung i represents the orbital and tapos ung j
represents ng electrons
for(int j=0;(getMax(i)>j)&&(atomicNumber>0);j++,atomicNumber--) //if atomic
number > 0 and ung orbital ay kaya pa magsupport ng more electrons, add
electron to orbital ie increment configuration by 1
if(config[i]!=0) //d2 nagche-check to prevent it printing empty
result+=orbitals[i]+config[i]+" "; //orbital name and configuration
correspond to each other
return result;
public static int getMax(int x) //returns the number of max. supported electrons by each
orbital. for eg. x=0 ie 1s supports 2 electrons
return 2;
else if(x==2||x==4||x==7||x==10||x==14||x==18)
return 6;
else if(x==6||x==9||x==13||x==17)
return 10;
return 14;
通過使用Scanner來測試? – Synoon 2014-09-19 06:42:02