2013-03-04 83 views




Feature: DesignPattern 
    In order to encourage pluggability and loose coupling 
    As a software developer who has to comply with company GUI standards 
    I want to make sure the MVP-VM design pattern is enforced 

Scenario: MainPresenter loosely couples with IMainView and IModelContainer implementations 
    Given a stub of the IMainView interface 
    And a stub of the IModelContainer interface 
    When I create a new MainPresenter with the IMainView and IModelContainer stubs as arguments 
    Then the MainPresenter should have the IMainView and IModelContainer stubs as properties 

Scenario: MainPresenter tightly couples with MainViewModel 
    Given a stub of the IMainView interface 
    And a stub of the IModelContainer interface 
    When I create a new MainPresenter with the IMainView and IModelContainer stubs as arguments 
    Then the MainPresenter should have a collection of MainViewModels as a property 

Scenario: IModelContainer contains all required model interfaces 
    Given a stub of the IModelContainer interface 
    Then the IModelContainer stub should have an IContractsModel property 

Scenario: IMainView extends the company BaseView GUI standard 
    Given a stub of the IMainView interface 
    Then the IMainView stub should extend the IBaseView interface 

Scenario: IMainView exposes a datasource binding method that accepts a collection of MainViewModels as argument 
    Given a stub of the IMainView interface 
    And a collection of MainViewModels 
    Then the IMainView stub should have a BindViewModelsList method that accepts the collection of MainViewModels 

Scenario: MainViewModel takes a ContractDataEntity and stores it as a property 
    Given a ContractDataEntity 
    When I create a new MainViewModel with the ContractDataEntity as argument 
    Then the MainViewModel should have the ContractDataEntity as a property 

Scenario: MainViewModel presents the required attributes of its associated DataEntity 
    Given a ContractDataEntity 
    When I create a new MainViewModel with the ContractDataEntity as argument 
    Then the MainViewModel should have the ContractDataEntity ContractNumber as a property 
    And the MainViewModel should have the ContractDataEntity CustomerCode as a property 

Scenario: MainViewModel has a factory method that translates a collection of DataEntities into MainViewModels 
    Given a collection of ContractDataEntities 
    When I call the MainViewModel TranslateDataEntityList factory method 
    Then it should return a collection on MainViewModels 


using Rhino.Mocks; 
using Should.Fluent; 
using TechTalk.SpecFlow; 

namespace CONTR001.Test 
    public class DesignPatternSteps 
     [Given(@"a stub of the IMainView interface")] 
     public void GivenAStubOfTheIMainViewInterface() 
      IMainView view = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMainView>(); 

     [Given(@"a stub of the IModelContainer interface")] 
     public void GivenAStubOfTheIModelContainerInterface() 
      IModelContainer model = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IModelContainer>(); 


     [When(@"I create a new MainPresenter with the IMainView and IModelContainer stubs as arguments")] 
     public void WhenICreateANewMainPresenterWithTheIMainViewAndIModelContainerStubsAsArguments() 
      var view = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<IMainView>(); 
      var model = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<IModelContainer>(); 
      var presenter = new MainPresenter(view, model); 


     [Then(@"the MainPresenter should have the IMainView and IModelContainer stubs as properties")] 
     public void ThenTheMainPresenterShouldHaveTheIMainViewAndIModelContainerStubsAsProperties() 
      var presenter = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<MainPresenter>(); 


     [Then(@"the IMainView stub should extend the IBaseView interface")] 
     public void ThenTheIMainViewStubShouldExtendTheIBaseViewInterface() 
      var view = ScenarioContext.Current.Get<IMainView>(); 



事實上,你懷疑你的超時/不使用的目的已經告訴你,已經從這種經驗中學到了很多。 SpecFlow是一種主要用於支持BDD的工具,它是從業務中獲取知識並從成功中定義標準的過程。這絕對不是BDD,但我可以想象,推導這些測試使您能夠仔細考慮您的域。您已經通過規範生成了一些完整的單元測試示例,這很有用。一旦你認爲你的代碼基礎已經足夠成熟並且沒有任何用處,你可能會選擇在將來刪除這些測試(儘管如此),甚至如此,寫下它們就可以澄清事物應該如何工作的願景。




謝謝你,AlSki。你的話是令人鼓舞的,我會堅持下去。我會問你同樣的問題,我做湯姆;是否有更好的爲WinForms定製的工具可以執行我在文章中強調過的相同的域問題? – Heliac 2013-03-05 08:09:57


湯姆,我一定錯過了你正在使用WinForms :-)你的代碼實際上更多的是關於MVC模式和問題分離而不是UI技術。我打算建議看一下CAB,但是在我的搜索鏈接中,我發現這個http://stackoverflow.com/questions/654722/implementing-mvc-with-windows-forms,它看起來像覆蓋了更多深度比我要適應在這裏。 :-) – AlSki 2013-03-05 12:04:41



據我所知,SpecFlow用於描述行爲 - 我不會說這些情景就是這樣的行爲。但是,您已經設法用適當的語言描述您的要求併爲它們編寫測試,所以我認爲這也證明了它在這方面的有用性。祝你好運!


謝謝湯姆。如果您不得不堅持使用WinForms,那麼您會親自建議如何將其作爲一個優秀的項目架構構建工具? – Heliac 2013-03-05 08:06:14