2016-11-02 45 views


#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <vector> 
#include <algorithm> 
#include <unordered_map> 
#include <map> 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <ctgmath> 

using namespace std; 

#define MAX 100000 
#define mod 1000000007 

vector<long long> palins[MAX+5]; 

// Finds all palindromes for the string 
void get_palins(string &s) 
    int N = s.length(); 
    int i, j, k, // iterators 
    rp,  // length of 'palindrome radius' 
    R[2][N+1]; // table for storing results (2 rows for odd- and even-length palindromes 

    s = "@" + s + "#"; // insert 'guards' to iterate easily over s 

    for(j = 0; j <= 1; j++) 
     R[j][0] = rp = 0; i = 1; 

     while(i <= N) 
      while(s[i - rp - 1] == s[i + j + rp]) { rp++; } 
      R[j][i] = rp; 
      k = 1; 
      while((R[j][i - k] != rp - k) && (k < rp)) 
       R[j][i + k] = min(R[j][i - k],rp - k); 
      rp = max(rp - k,0); 
      i += k; 

    s = s.substr(1,N); // remove 'guards' 

    for(i = 1; i <= N; i++) 
     for(j = 0; j <= 1; j++) 
      for(rp = R[j][i]; rp > 0; rp--) 
       int begin = i - rp - 1; 
       int end_count = 2 * rp + j; 
       int end = begin + end_count - 1; 
       if (!(begin == 0 && end == N -1)) 
        string ss = s.substr(begin, end_count); 
        long long hsh = hash<string>{}(ss); 

unordered_map<long long, int> palin_counts; 
unordered_map<char, int> end_matches; 

// Solve when at least 1 character in string is different 
void solve_all_not_same(string &s) 
    int n = s.length(); 
    long long count = 0; 


    long long palin_count = 0; 

    // Gets all palindromes into unordered map 
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) 
     for (auto& it : palins[i]) 
      if (palin_counts.find(it) == palin_counts.end()) 

    // From total palindromes, get proper border count 
    // minus end characters of substrings 
    for (auto it = palin_counts.begin(); it != palin_counts.end(); ++it) 
     int top = it->second - 1; 

     palin_count += (top * (top + 1))/2; 
     palin_count %= mod; 

    // Store string character counts in unordered map 
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) 
     char c = s[i]; 

     //long long hsh = hash<char>{}(c); 

     if (end_matches[c] == 0) 
      end_matches[c] = 1; 


    // From substring end character matches, get proper border count 
    // for end characters of substrings 
    for (auto it = end_matches.begin(); it != end_matches.end(); it++) 
     int f = it->second - 1; 
     count += (f * (f + 1))/2; 

    cout << (count + palin_count) % mod << endl; 

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX+5; i++) 

int main() 

    string s; 
    cin >> s; 


    return 0; 

你確定它只是哈希,這是瓶頸嗎?僅僅通過掃描上面的代碼,我發現了很多低效的事情。例如:爲一個已經很大的字符串加上後綴和前綴加上大量額外的子字符串副本,我不確定,但如果使用一對值來指示字符串中的開始和結束位置,那麼可以肯定地避免。 – Arunmu


另外,'R [2] [N + 1]'不是標準的C++。它可能適合你的平臺... – Arunmu


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/98153/whats-the-best-hashing-algorithm-to-use-on-a-stl-string-when-using-哈希映射可能是一個可能的解決方案。此外,如果你可以添加一些智能(更新散列,我們在rabin-karp中做的),你可能會得到一個巨大的加速。 – Arunmu



面對的問題X找到所有迴文個子串),你問(如何快速散子)解決ŸThe XY Problem
對於重疊字符串的快速哈希,請查看rolling hashes


遲來,我發現te7的評論包含一個HackerRank問題的鏈接:在約束條件中不相似,並且第一個示例輸出的解釋與該輸出的第一條語句相矛盾。 – greybeard


感謝您的回覆。我很感激。我使用Murmur3 hash 64x128解決了這個問題。我會研究這些鏈接。謝謝 – te7


對於字符串匹配,請嘗試_Rabin-Karp滾動hash_。 – greybeard