2014-09-23 89 views







##### further functions ##### 

Function Warnung { 

$Form1.text = "Warning!" 
$Form1.Width = 300 
$Form1.Height = 200 

$Text = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
$Text.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,30 
$Text.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
$Text.text = "Am $timestamp hat sich" 

$Text2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
$Text2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,60 
$Text2.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
$Text2.text = "$user" 

$Text3 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
$Text3.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,90 
$Text3.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
$Text3.text = "im calculator angemeldet!" 

$Close = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
$Close.text = "Close" 
$Close.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 20,120 

$Taskmgr = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
$Taskmgr.text = "Taskmgr" 
$Taskmgr.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 105,120 

$Ignore = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
$Ignore.text = "Ignore" 
$Ignore.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 190,120 


Function Taskmgr{ 
Start-process taskmgr.exe 

Function Ign2{ 
Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt 
$date = Get-Date 
$file = "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" 
$env:username | set-content $file 
$date | add-content $file 

Function Warning2 { 

$Form2.text = "Warnung!" 
$Form2.Width = 300 
$Form2.Height = 200 

$Text4 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
$Text4.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 40,30 
$Text4.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,70 
$Text4.text = "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie $user übergehen möchten?" 
       "Haben Sie $user angesprochen 
       ob diese(r) den Passwortsafe verlassen kann/hat?" 

$Close2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
$Close2.text = "Close" 
$Close2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 20,120 

$Ignore2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
$Ignore2.text = "Ignore" 
$Ignore2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 190,120 


##### Main function ##### 

$Form1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form 
$Form2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form  

if (Test-Path C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt) { 

$user = Get-content "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" -totalcount 1 
$timestamp = Get-Content "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" | Select-Object -Skip 1 
Start-Process calc.exe -Wait     
Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt 

} else { 

$datum = Get-Date 
$datei = "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" 
$env:username | set-content $datei 
$datum | add-content $datei 
Start-Process calc.exe -Wait 
Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt  

即時猜測你有一個範圍的問題是'$ Form1'和'$ Form2'在一個函數創建的,但你是在試圖訪問他們在另一個。這些表格不可用於'Ign2' – Matt 2014-09-23 11:26:10


這也是我的想法,但沒有使用函數沒有好處。我編輯了上面的代碼。 – freakies 2014-09-23 12:53:24






##### further functions ##### 

Function Warnung { 

    $Form1.text = "Warning!" 
    $Form1.Width = 300 
    $Form1.Height = 200 

    $Text = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
    $Text.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,30 
    $Text.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
    $Text.text = "Am $timestamp hat sich" 

    $Text2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
    $Text2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,60 
    $Text2.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
    $Text2.text = "$user" 

    $Text3 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
    $Text3.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 75,90 
    $Text3.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,30 
    $Text3.text = "im calculator angemeldet!" 

    $Close = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
    $Close.text = "Close" 
    $Close.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 20,120 

    $Taskmgr = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
    $Taskmgr.text = "Taskmgr" 
    $Taskmgr.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 105,120 

    $Ignore = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
    $Ignore.text = "Ignore" 
    $Ignore.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 190,120 


Function Taskmgr{ 
    $Form1.Close() ### IT WORKS HERE 
    Start-process taskmgr.exe 

Function Ign2{ 
    $Form2.Close() ### HERE IS THE PROBLEM 
    $Form1.Close() ### THE FORMS DO NOT CLOSE 
    Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt 
    $date = Get-Date 
    $file = "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" 
    $env:username | set-content $file 
    $date | add-content $file 
    Start-Process calc.exe 
    Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt 

Function Warning2 { 

    $Form2.text = "Warnung!" 
    $Form2.Width = 300 
    $Form2.Height = 200 

    $Text4 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Label 
    $Text4.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 40,30 
    $Text4.Size = New-Object Drawing.Point 200,70 
    $Text4.text = "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie $user übergehen möchten?" 
        "Haben Sie $user angesprochen 
        ob diese(r) den Passwortsafe verlassen kann/hat?" 

    $Close2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
    $Close2.text = "Close" 
    $Close2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 20,120 

    $Ignore2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Button 
    $Ignore2.text = "Ignore" 
    $Ignore2.Location = New-Object Drawing.Point 190,120 


##### Main function ##### 

$Form1 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form 
$Form2 = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form  

if (Test-Path C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt) { 

    $user = Get-content "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" -totalcount 1 
    $timestamp = Get-Content "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" | Select-Object -Skip 1 

} else { 

    $datum = Get-Date 
    $datei = "C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt" 
    $env:username | set-content $datei 
    $datum | add-content $datei 
    Start-Process calc.exe -Wait 
    Remove-Item C:\users\heisem\desktop\test.txt  

我測試了你的代碼,但沒有解決問題。 – freakies 2014-09-23 12:55:18


您是否需要'Form1'和'Form2' @ arco444 @freakies – Matt 2014-09-23 13:44:44


matt前面需要'$' - 好了,謝謝。代表我複製錯誤。 @freakies,我在測試過程中包含了整個腳本,我也編寫了代碼。看看是否有幫助。一定要在全新的PowerShell窗口中進行測試。 – arco444 2014-09-23 13:47:23