$str = 'Book ID: 524072799
Author: George R. R. Martin
Title: A Song of Ice and Fire, 7 Volumes
Description: Harper Voyager, 2012. New and in stock.. Paperback. New. Book.
ISBN: 9780007477159
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Date: 2012
Currency: GBP
Price: 55.00
Bookseller: El Pinarillo Books
Bookseller_Location: GBR
URL: http://www.biblio.com/details.php?dcx=524072799
Shipping Ground: 3.15
Shipping Expedited: 3.95
$lines = explode('<br />',nl2br($str));
$array = array();
foreach($lines as $line){
$line = trim($line);
$line_parts = explode(':',$line);
$array[$line_parts[0]] = $line_parts[1];
You now have Array
[Book ID] => 524072799
[Author] => George R. R. Martin
[Title] => A Song of Ice and Fire, 7 Volumes
[Description] => Harper Voyager, 2012. New and in stock.. Paperback. New. Book.
[ISBN] => 9780007477159
[Publisher] => Harper Voyager
[Date] => 2012
[Currency] => GBP
[Price] => 55.00
[Bookseller] => El Pinarillo Books
[Bookseller_Location] => GBR
[URL] => http
[Shipping Ground] => 3.15
[Shipping Expedited] => 3.95
//To create and output xml from the given array
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><books/>');
$node = $xml->addChild('book');
foreach($array as $key=>$value){
$node->addChild(str_replace(' ','_',$key), trim($value));
//DOMDocument to format code output
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
echo $dom->saveXML();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Author>George R. R. Martin</Author>
<Title>A Song of Ice and Fire, 7 Volumes</Title>
<Description>Harper Voyager, 2012. New and in stock.. Paperback. New. Book.</Description>
<Publisher>Harper Voyager</Publisher>
<Bookseller>El Pinarillo Books</Bookseller>
爲什麼你需要它是XML格式?如果要將其重新轉換爲文本,則沒有意義 – Ibu
在執行對API的調用時是否可以指定Accept類型?默認情況下,它可能以純文本形式返回。 – tomasmcguinness
@Ibu因爲最好使用xml而不是preg_match –