處的拖動進行放大時,調用服務器獲取縮放的數據,但在X軸導航(水平滾動)移動放大的數據到extreme left
它應該在時間線的中心。Highchart - highstock滾動與縮放不同步
Say for example timeline has interval in seconds as below
and I zoom in at 30 to 90
The navigator or scroll axis should have stayed at 0---120 and the focus part should be 30---90
but In my case it changing the navigator to 30 to 120 and focus area moves to extreme left.
Note: with bigger time intervals it works fine
所以通過說你不能放大圖表的一部分...我不能通過拖動或拉動滾動條的極端來放大? –