我已經給出了一些未公開的Matlab代碼,並試圖找出它的作用。我有 將下面的主要問題作爲評論穿插在代碼中。matlab,單元陣列,邏輯數組索引和數組類型轉換
% x is an array, I believe of dimension (R, 2)
% I understand that the following line creates a logical array y of the same
% dimensions as x in which every position that has a number (i.e. not Nan)
% contains True.
for k=1:R
% I don't know if z has been previously defined. Can't find it anywhere
% in the code I've been given. I understand that z is a cell array. The
% logical array indexing of x, I understand basically looks at each row
% of x and creates a 1-column array (I think) of numbers that are not Nan,
% inserting this 1-column array in the kth position in the cell array z.
z{k}=x(k, y(k,:))
% MAIN QUESTION HERE: I don't know what the following two lines do. what
% will 'n' and 'm' end up as? (i.e. what dimensions are 'd'?)
啊,我用x(k,(k :))輸入了一行錯誤。它應該是x(k,z(k :))。我在代碼中糾正了這一點。水平連接和邏輯數組索引(在我修正的行中)是有道理的,可以選擇並連接非NaN數字,但我仍然不確定數組z的大小/維數將保持不變(即,什麼大小/維數組是通過由邏輯數組索引來創建的)。另外我想你倒過了n的意思& m;注意這條線是[m,n] = size(d),而不是[n,m] = size(d)。 – composerMike
你對m和n是正確的。通過你的修正,代碼更有意義。請參閱最新的答案。 –
代碼以奇怪的方式獲得結果('d')。這不是在Matlab中做事情的標準方式。在這裏可以很容易地避免循環,單元陣列絕對不是必需的,爲什麼按行處理?我可以問你從哪裏得到?某種自動生成或翻譯的代碼? –