2012-01-06 116 views

我試圖在我的環境中安裝非MSVC版本的Botan。我下載了壓縮包,解壓縮了這些文件,然後運行configure.py問題編譯在Windows7中使用MinGW的Botan 64位




INFO: Guessing target OS is windows (use --os to set) 
INFO: Guessing to use compiler gcc (use --cc to set) 
INFO: Guessing target processor is a x86_64/x86_64 (use --cpu to set) 
INFO: Target is gcc-windows-x86_64-x86_64 
INFO: Detected gcc version 4.6.1 
INFO: Assuming gcc has TR1 (use --with-tr1=none to disable) 
INFO: Skipping, by request only - bzip2 cms cvc gnump openssl qt_mutex zlib 
INFO: Skipping, dependency failure - sha1_x86_64 
INFO: Skipping, incompatible CPU - aes_ni aes_ssse3 md4_x86_32 md5_x86_32 mp_asm64 mp_x86_32 serpent_x86_32 sha1_x86_32 simd_altivec 
INFO: Skipping, incompatible OS - alloc_mmap asm_x86_32 asm_x86_64 beos_stats dev_random egd fd_unix proc_walk pthreads unix_procs 
INFO: Skipping, incompatible compiler - mp_msvc64 mp_x86_32_msvc 
INFO: Skipping, loaded only if needed by dependency - aes_isa_eng mp_generic simd_scalar 
INFO: Using MP module mp_x86_64 
INFO: Using SIMD module simd_sse2 
INFO: ssl: The SSL/TLS code is complex, new, and not yet reviewed, there may be serious bugs or security issues. 
INFO: Assuming CPU is little endian 
INFO: Assuming unaligned memory access works 
INFO: Using copy to link files into build directory 
INFO: Botan 1.10.1 build setup is complete 


g++ -m64 -Ibuild\include -O3 -finline-functions -D_REENTRANT -Wno-long-long -W -Wall -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -c C:\Users\ben.zweber.IPHASE3\Downloads\Botan-1.10.1\src\algo_base\symkey.cpp -o build\lib\symkey.obj 
C:\Users\ben.zweber.IPHASE3\Downloads\Botan-1.10.1\src\algo_base\symkey.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent) [enabled by default] 
C:\Users\ben.zweber.IPHASE3\Downloads\Botan-1.10.1\src\algo_base\symkey.cpp:1:0: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in 
make: *** [build\lib\symkey.obj] Error 1 




./configure.py --cpu="i386"