我很喜歡用C++進行編程,請耐心等待。我目前正在使用NetBeans 7.2 for Mac Lion開發C++項目。對於這個項目,我的教授把代碼給了他的main.cpp(根據教授的說法,這是用C語言編寫的)。在NetBeans 7.2中找不到io.h
當我複製/粘貼他的代碼到我的項目中時,我在#include <io.h>
行發現錯誤,指出「無法找到包含文件io.h」,隨後出現其他依賴性錯誤。我在網上搜索過,但似乎無法找到問題。我正在使用GCC/G ++編譯器,這使得所有的問題變得更加混亂。我的教授說「io.h」已經存在了,所以他不明白爲什麼它找不到。我嘗試從終端使用「定位io.h」命令。但是,對於我來說,它產生了太多的結果,以瞭解哪些是重要的。
# There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
# used for execution of your targets. These targets are usually executed
# before and after some main targets. They are:
# .build-pre: called before 'build' target
# .build-post: called after 'build' target
# .clean-pre: called before 'clean' target
# .clean-post: called after 'clean' target
# .clobber-pre: called before 'clobber' target
# .clobber-post: called after 'clobber' target
# .all-pre: called before 'all' target
# .all-post: called after 'all' target
# .help-pre: called before 'help' target
# .help-post: called after 'help' target
# Targets beginning with '.' are not intended to be called on their own.
# Main targets can be executed directly, and they are:
# build build a specific configuration
# clean remove built files from a configuration
# clobber remove all built files
# all build all configurations
# help print help mesage
# Targets .build-impl, .clean-impl, .clobber-impl, .all-impl, and
# .help-impl are implemented in nbproject/makefile-impl.mk.
# Available make variables:
# CND_BASEDIR base directory for relative paths
# CND_DISTDIR default top distribution directory (build artifacts)
# CND_BUILDDIR default top build directory (object files, ...)
# CONF name of current configuration
# CND_PLATFORM_${CONF} platform name (current configuration)
# CND_ARTIFACT_DIR_${CONF} directory of build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF} name of build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_ARTIFACT_PATH_${CONF} path to build artifact (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_DIR_${CONF} directory of package (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_NAME_${CONF} name of package (current configuration)
# CND_PACKAGE_PATH_${CONF} path to package (current configuration)
# Environment
# build
build: .build-post
# Add your pre 'build' code here...
.build-post: .build-impl
# Add your post 'build' code here...
# clean
clean: .clean-post
# Add your pre 'clean' code here...
.clean-post: .clean-impl
# Add your post 'clean' code here...
# clobber
clobber: .clobber-post
# Add your pre 'clobber' code here...
.clobber-post: .clobber-impl
# Add your post 'clobber' code here...
# all
all: .all-post
# Add your pre 'all' code here...
.all-post: .all-impl
# Add your post 'all' code here...
# build tests
build-tests: .build-tests-post
# Add your pre 'build-tests' code here...
.build-tests-post: .build-tests-impl
# Add your post 'build-tests' code here...
# run tests
test: .test-post
# Add your pre 'test' code here...
.test-post: .test-impl
# Add your post 'test' code here...
# help
help: .help-post
# Add your pre 'help' code here...
.help-post: .help-impl
# Add your post 'help' code here...
# include project implementation makefile
include nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk
# include project make variables
include nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk
它是'#include'還是'#include「io.h」'? –
你能分享你的makefile嗎?很可能您沒有使用正確的包含路徑。 (在我的linux系統中'io.h'在'/ usr/include/sys /'中) –
我試過和「io.h」 –