2016-02-15 80 views

我做了我的第一個irssi perl腳本,但它不起作用。我不明白爲什麼不。通道上的irssi dcc統計信息

當我在通道上鍵入!dccstat時,我的家用PC只是響應所有的DCC連接,就像我在irssi上鍵入/dcc stat一樣。

use Irssi; 

use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); 

$VERSION = "1.0"; 
%IRSSI = (

sub event_privmsg { 
my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask) [email protected]_; 
my ($target, $text) = $data =~ /^(\S*)\s:(.*)/; 
     return if ($text !~ /^!dccstat$/i); 
if ($text =~ /^!dccstat$/) { 
     my $dcc = dccs(); 
     $server->command ("msg $target $dcc") 

Irssi::signal_add('event privmsg', 'event_privmsg'); 



的一個問題可能是dccs()命令本身,它不是在我的irssi v0.8.15的認可,所以我用Irssi::Irc::dccs()。它返回dcc連接數組,所以它不會(原諒我的諷刺)「神奇地」變成當前dccs狀態的字符串,因爲「/ dcc list」(你使用的「/ dcc stat」這個術語,我相信是要麼是我不知道的腳本的錯誤或命令)。您需要循環訪問dccs數組並獲取所需的所有數據。粗略的(但工作)的代碼如下,所以你可以使用它作爲模板。玩Irssi腳本。

use Irssi; 

use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); 

$VERSION = "1.0"; 
%IRSSI = (

sub event_privmsg { 
    my ($server, $data, $nick, $mask) [email protected]_; 
    my ($target, $text) = $data =~ /^(\S*)\s:(.*)/; 
    return if ($text !~ /^!dccstat$/i); # this line could be removed as the next one checks for the same 
    if ($text =~ /^!dccstat$/) { 
     # get array of dccs and store it in @dccs 
     my @dccs = Irssi::Irc::dccs(); 
     # iterate through array 
     foreach my $dcc (@dccs) { 
      # get type of dcc (SEND, GET or CHAT) 
      my $type = $dcc->{type}; 
      # process only SEND and GET types 
      if ($type eq "SEND" || $type eq "GET") { 
       my $filename = $dcc->{arg}; # name of file    
       my $nickname = $dcc->{nick}; # nickname of sender/receiver 
       my $filesize = $dcc->{size}; # size of file in bytes 
       my $transfered = $dcc->{transfd}; # bytes transfered so far 

       # you probably want to format file size and bytes transfered nicely, i'll leave it to you 
       $server->command("msg $target nick: $nickname type: $type file: $filename size: $filesize transfered: $transfered"); 

Irssi::signal_add('event privmsg', 'event_privmsg'); 

而且,你用「事件PRIVMSG」,這也引發了(驚喜!)私人信息,不僅渠道的,但它適用於那些太(響應會被送到一個私人消息給用戶)。如果不需要,我建議使用「message public」信號,如下所示:

# .. 

sub event_message_public { 
    my ($server, $msg, $nick, $mask, $target) = @_; 

    # .. the rest of code 


Irssi::signal_add("message public", event_message_public);