我已經將它分解爲DLL中的五個對象,每個對象都有一個標題。 現在我想查找一個對象並返回它的標題。 但是改爲:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!我到底在做什麼錯了?
namespace ADS
public partial class DLL_Generic_Object : Form
public DLL_Generic_Object()
//create class
public partial class Weapon
string Title;
public Weapon(string title)
this.Title = title;
//create objects;
Weapon object1 = new Weapon("Revolver");
Weapon object2 = new Weapon("Candlestick");
Weapon object3 = new Weapon("Lead Pipe");
Weapon object4 = new Weapon("Rope");
Weapon object5 = new Weapon("Knife");
public class Structures
public string getTitle(LinkedList<Object> nameofDLL)
string gotTitle = "How do I Find the Title variable of an Object in the DLL?";
return gotTitle;
//create an object Doubly Linked List
LinkedList<object> weapons = new LinkedList<object>();
private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
PrintNodes(weapons); //This will show the DLL is empty.
//Add nodes to the list
weapons.AddFirst(object1); //add a node to the front of the list
//Add a node after a specific node.
weapons.AddAfter(weapons.Find(object1), object2);
weapons.AddAfter(weapons.Find(object2), object4);
//Add a node before a specific node.
weapons.AddBefore(weapons.Find(object4), object3);
//Add a node to the end of the list
PrintNodes(weapons); // This will show the DLL has 5 Nodes.
// Find the value of a node
public string FindTitle(LinkedList<Object> nameofDLL)
// initialise a Structures class
Structures structure = new Structures();
// Find the value of a node
string value = structure.getTitle(weapons) + "\r\n";
return value;
public void PrintNodes(LinkedList<object> values)
if (values.Count != 0) //check if there are any nodes in the list
txtOutput.Text += "The number of nodes is: " + values.Count.ToString() + "\r\n";
txtOutput.Text += FindTitle(weapons);
txtOutput.Text += "The Doubly Linked List is empty" + "\r\n";
當您不知道列表中對象的類型時使用'object'。如果列表中只包含武器,爲什麼不是'LinkedList'? –
公平的電話。我試圖保持它的通用性,但如果它工作的話,很樂意將LinkedList更改爲! –
它不會因爲更改爲而摔倒,所以非常感謝。但我仍然需要知道如何從DLL中返回標題值。我不明白我要去哪裏錯... –