異常在線程 「主要」 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:5
import java.util.Arrays;
public class GridMaker {
private static int gridRow = 5; // R = length
private static int gridCol = 5; // C = height
private static int[][] grid = new int[gridRow][gridCol];
private static int totalSteps = (gridRow * gridCol); // total blocks on the grid
private static int numLocation = 1; // location refers to the number in the box, ie. 1, 2, 3, etc.
private static int rowLength = 1;
private static int colLength = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
grid[Calc.findArrayCenter(gridRow)][Calc.findArrayCenter(gridRow)] = 1;
for (int r = 0; r < gridRow; r++){
for (int c = 0; c < gridCol; c++){
System.out.print(grid[r][c] + " ");
private static void spiralMaker() {
for (int stepMaker = 0; stepMaker < 4; stepMaker++){//counter for the steps, only needs 1 of these
if (stepMaker == 1 && numLocation < totalSteps){
for (int r = 0; r < gridRow; r++){ //starts browsing array for the last number
for (int c = 0; c < gridCol; c++){
if(grid[r][c] == (numLocation - 0)){ //when it finds the last number
for(int i = 0; i < rowLength; i++){
grid[r][c + 1] = numLocation + 1; //when 0 no errors, when 1 "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
// -----------------------
public class Calc {
public static int findArrayCenter(int center) {
int fcenter = 0;
if (center % 2 != 0)
fcenter = (int) ((center/2));
fcenter = (center/2);
return fcenter;
public static boolean isOdd(int num) {
boolean result = true;
if (num % 2 == 0)
result = false; // false = even, true = odd
return result;
public static boolean primeTester(int num) {
if (num == 1)
return false;
if (num % 2 == 0 && num != 2)
return false;
for (int primeCheck = 3; primeCheck <= num/2; primeCheck += 2) {
if (num % primeCheck == 0 && num != primeCheck)
return false;
return true;
grid [r] [c + 1] = numLocation + 1;什麼是再次的+1? – renz 2013-05-06 00:54:26
它會查找它計算的最後一個數字的位置,移動1步並添加該數字+ 1 – 2013-05-06 01:10:58
'static ints'是meh ...爲什麼要使用它們? jw .. – Tdorno 2013-05-06 02:11:14