2013-04-09 145 views





           "1"=>"This is article (1) in chapter (1) of (group1)", 
           "2"=>"This is article (2) in chapter (1) of (group1)", 
           "3"=>"This is article (3) in chapter (1) of (group1)", 
           "1"=>"This is article (1) in chapter (2) of (group1)", 
           "2"=>"This is article (2) in chapter (2) of (group1)", 
           "3"=>"This is article (3) in chapter (2) of (group1)", 
           "1"=>"This is article (1) in chapter (1) of (group2)", 
           "2"=>"This is article (2) in chapter (1) of (group2)", 
           "3"=>"This is article (3) in chapter (1) of (group2)", 
           "1"=>"This is article (1) in chapter (2) of (group2)", 
           "2"=>"This is article (2) in chapter (2) of (group2)", 
           "3"=>"This is article (3) in chapter (2) of (group2)", 


if(isset($_GET['group']) && isset($_GET['chapter']) && isset($_GET['article'])){ 
$grp = $_GET['group']; 
$chap = $_GET['chapter']; 
$art = $_GET['article'];  
$grp = 'group1'; 
$chap = '1'; 
$art = '1'; 

$_SESSION['group'] = $grp; 
$_SESSION['chapter'] = $chap; 
$_SESSION['article'] = $art;  

$group = $_SESSION['group']; 
$chapter = $_SESSION['chapter']; 
$article = $_SESSION['article']; 

$previousarticle = $_SESSION['article']; 

echo $laws[$group][$chapter][$article]; // ALL ARTICLES TO BE ECHOED HERE!!!!! 

echo '<br/>'; 

    <!-------------- PREVIOUS Article and NEXT Article URLS -------------------> 
<a href="nest.php?group=<?php echo $group; ?>&chapter=<?php echo $chapter; ?>&article=<?php echo --$previousarticle ; ?>" style="text-decoration: none;">PREVIOUS ARTICLE</a> 
<a href="nest.php?group=<?php echo $group; ?>&chapter=<?php echo $chapter; ?>&article=<?php echo ++$article ; ?>" style="text-decoration: none;">NEXT ARTICLE</a> 




<!-------------- PREVIOUS Article and NEXT Article URLS -------------------> 
    $prvartcle = $previousarticle -1 ; 

    if(!empty($laws[$group][$chapter][$prvartcle])) {?> 
<a href="test1.php?group=<?php echo $group; ?>&chapter=<?php echo $chapter; ?>&article=<?php echo --$previousarticle ; ?>" style="text-decoration: none;">PREVIOUS ARTICLE</a> 
<?php } ?> 

$nextart = $article+1; 
if(!empty($laws[$group][$chapter][$nextart])) {?> 
<a href="test1.php?group=<?php echo $group; ?>&chapter=<?php echo $chapter; ?>&article=<?php echo ++$article ; ?>" style="text-decoration: none;">NEXT ARTICLE</a> 
<?php } ?> 



$no_of_groups = count($laws); 
// counting number of groups in laws 

/* check if there is any selected by any user or by link. If there is nothing selected, do select first group in laws automatically */ 
if (isset($_GET['group']) and !empty($_GET['group'])) { 
    $fgroup = $_GET['group']; 
} else { 
    $fgroup = $laws[0]; // selects first group in laws 

/* check if there is any article selected by user or by link. If there is nothing selected, do select first article in a group automatically */ 
if (isset($_GET['article']) and !empty($_GET['article'])) { 
    $farticle = $_GET['article']; 
} else { 
    $farticle = $fgroup[0];  // selects first article in a group 

$no_of_article_in_this_group = count($farticle); 
// counting number of article in selected or default group 

/* Now, we are checking if there is chapters selected by user or by link. If there is nothing selected, do select first chapter in an article */ 
if (isset($_GET['chap']) and !empty($_GET['chap'])) { 
    $fchap = $_GET['chap']; 
} else { 
    $fchap = $farticle[0];  // selects first chapter in an article 

$no_of_chapters_in_this_article = count($fchap); 
// counting number of chapter in selected article or default article 

$page_url = "nest.php"; 

/* We are checking, is there is next chapter available in an article, if yes then move to next chapter in an array else we will be current chapter */ 

if (!empty(next($fchap))) { 
    $nxt_chapter = next($fchap); 
} else { 
    $nxt_chapter = current($fchap); 

/* We are checking, is there is previous chapter available in an article, if yes then move to previous chapter in an array else we will be current chapter */ 

if (!empty(prev($fchap))) { 
    $prv_chapter = prev($fchap); 
} else { 
    $prv_chapter = current($fchap); 

// Below, making next and prev links ready to use 

$page_next_url = $page_url . "?group=$fgroup&article=$farticle&chap=$nxt_chapter"; 
$page_prev_url = $page_url . "?group=$fgroup&article=$farticle&chap=$prv_chapter"; 




這可能是答案,但你需要遮光更多的光線。這個多維數組有**組=>章節=>文章。** – user2075752 2013-04-09 07:43:13
