2015-12-02 100 views




$ a只是一個可變的載體。爲了訪問所有信息,你需要添加一個參數,像這樣: $ A-> ParameterToPass


The name of the course 
The shortname of the course 
The name of the quiz 
The URL of the results overview for this quiz (.../mod/quiz/report.php?q=quizid) 
The URL of the results overview URL and quiz name as a HTML link 
The URL of the review page for this attempt (.../mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=attemptid) 
The attempt review URL and quiz name as a HTML link 
The URL of the main page of the quiz (.../mod/quiz/view.php?q=quizid) 
The URL of the quiz and the quiz name as a HTML link 
The time the attempt was submitted, formatted using userdate(). 
How long the quiz attempt lasted. 
The name of the person who submitted the quiz. 
The idnumber of the person who submitted the quiz. 
The username of the person who submitted the quiz. 
The name of the user the email is being sent to. 
The idnumber of the user the email is being sent to. 
The username of the user the email is being sent to. 


這是對於Moodle 3.0 - 供將來參考,如果您讓我們知道您正在使用哪種Moodle版本,則可以獲得更準確的響應。

你不能將比分/結果作爲參數,因爲不是在Moodle的測驗所有審覈模式使用戶能夠查看分數的原因 - 特別是如果啓用了手動標記(例如以論文形式的問題存在)。相反,您可以將URL傳遞給審閱。這確保瞭如果評論不可用,則當用戶點擊該鏈接時通知用戶,而不是在電子郵件中具有空白的聲明,這可能會令人困惑。


我使用的是moodle 2.9而不是3.0,但是我遇到了同樣的$ a參數。將郵件中的測驗結果打印到網址的決定不是我的eheh。所以不可能將答案的反饋信息添加到郵件中?如果這是不可能的,我必須嘗試使用​​網址... – Removed