請幫助我 java服務器拋出:java.lang.IllegalStateException:在提交響應後無法調用sendError() 複查多次和google搜索了很多,但我不能發現什麼問題 這裏是我的代碼java服務器拋出java.lang.IllegalStateException:在響應提交後無法調用sendError()
DataOutputStream stream = null;
BufferedInputStream buf = null;
try {
response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();
response.setHeader(Constants.AU_TRST_X_RESULT_CD, "0"); // x-resultCd = 0 is OK
// add RSP_KEY_CODE to header
response.setHeader(Constants.RSP_KEY_CODE, Constants.RSP_SUCCCESS + "");
//------------ write csv file to body ----------
// get response's outputStream
stream = new DataOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
// fix file csv
File csvFixFile = new File("E:\\a.xls");
// buffer to read csv File
File csvResponse = new File(csvFixFile.getPath());
// file Input to read csv File
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(csvResponse);
buf = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
int readBytes = 0;
while ((readBytes = buf.read()) != -1) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
if (null != buf)
try {buf.close();} catch (Exception e2) {e2.printStackTrace();}
if (null != stream)
try {stream.close();} catch (Exception e2) {e2.printStackTrace();}
。它看起來不錯,但它並沒有正常工作,也許問題是在while循環 請指出來給我。 ...
太感謝你了,我會這麼做:-) –