2015-06-18 59 views

我試圖使用Python的請求模塊訪問網站,但我不斷收到重定向到不同的頁面。我是新手,所以我不知道從哪裏開始解決問題。Python請求模塊 - 繞過ADF環回腳本訪問網站


import requests 
r = requests.get('https://swiftlink.enbridge.com/portal/') 
print r.text 


<html lang="en-US"><head><script> 
** Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 

* This is the loopback script to process the url before the real page loads. It introduces 
* a separate round trip. During this first roundtrip, we currently do two things: 
* - check the url hash portion, this is for the PPR Navigation. 
* - do the new window detection 
* the above two are both controled by parameters in web.xml 
* Since it's very lightweight, so the network latency is the only impact. 
* here are the list of will-pass-in parameters (these will replace the param in this whole 
* pattern: 
*  viewIdLength       view Id length (characters), 
*  loopbackIdParam      loopback Id param name, 
*  loopbackId        loopback Id, 
*  loopbackIdParamMatchExpr    loopback Id match expression, 
*  windowModeIdParam      window mode param name, 
*  windowModeParamMatchExpr    window mode match expression, 
*  clientWindowIdParam     client window Id param name, 
*  clientWindowIdParamMatchExpr   client window Id match expression, 
*  windowId        window Id, 
*  initPageLaunch       initPageLaunch, 
*  enableNewWindowDetect     whether we want to enable new window detection 
*  jsessionId        session Id that needs to be appended to the redirect URL 
*  enablePPRNav       whether we want to enable PPR Navigation 

有點谷歌搜索後,我發現,我正在重定向到Oracle ADF環回腳本頁面,但我一直無法找到解決方法。我試過在我的代碼中禁止重定向,但是這只是讓我找到頁面,指出我正在尋找的頁面已經暫時移動了。我知道我使用的網址是有效的,因爲它將我帶到了正確的頁面。


嗅探到這個使用Firebug或谷歌Chrome開發者工具獲取URL所做的所有網絡請求。然後你就可以說出發生了什麼。您發佈的html代碼還包含一個javascript,它會調用具有特定參數的另一個重定向,您需要了解該參數的調用並在進行原始請求調用後手動進行該調用。此外,您需要爲此使用[請求會話](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#session-objects)對象。 –



雖然不是你的問題的直接答案。請記住,HTTP是客戶端請求數據的客戶端服務器協議,服務器或者以所述數據作出響應,指示需要重定向或標記錯誤。 HTTP服務器沒有義務響應請求的數據。





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