2015-09-27 118 views

我是MVVMCross的新手。我正在通過繼承MVXTableVIewCell創建一個自定義表格視圖單元格。我在單元格中有一個刪除按鈕。當用戶點擊刪除按鈕時,相同的記錄將從表中刪除。我不知道如何將存在於我的單元格中的刪除按鈕綁定到視圖模型類。下面顯示的是ViewModel類,自定義單元類和RelayCommand類。Xamarin MVVMCross綁定MVXtableViewCell

public class DebriefViewModel: MvxViewModel, INotifyPropertyChanged 
    public RelayCommand DeleteDebriefCommand { get; set; } 
    public DebriefViewModel() 
    DeleteDebriefCommand = new RelayCommand(DoDeleteDebrief); 
    public async void DoDeleteDebrief(object param) 
     Debrief debriefDelete = (Debrief)param; 
    //Code to delete the debrief. 

public partial class DebriefViewCell : MvxTableViewCell 
    public static readonly UINib Nib = UINib.FromName("DebriefViewCell", NSBundle.MainBundle); 
    public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString ("DebriefViewCell"); 

    public DebriefViewCell (IntPtr handle) : base(BindingText,handle) 
     this.DelayBind(() => { 
      var set = this.CreateBindingSet<DebriefViewCell, DebriefViewModel>(); 
      //Not sure how to bind the deleteDebriefBttn 
      set.Bind(deleteDebriefBttn).To(vm => vm.DeleteDebriefCommand); 

    public static DebriefViewCell Create() 
     return (DebriefViewCell)Nib.Instantiate (null, null) [0]; 

public class RelayCommand : ICommand 
    // Event that fires when the enabled/disabled state of the cmd changes 
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged; 

    // Delegate for method to call when the cmd needs to be executed   
    private readonly Action<object> _targetExecuteMethod; 

    // Delegate for method that determines if cmd is enabled/disabled   
    private readonly Predicate<object> _targetCanExecuteMethod; 

    public bool CanExecute(object parameter) 
     return _targetCanExecuteMethod == null || _targetCanExecuteMethod(parameter); 

    public void Execute(object parameter) 
     // Call the delegate if it's not null 
     if (_targetExecuteMethod != null) _targetExecuteMethod(parameter); 

    public RelayCommand(Action<object> executeMethod, Predicate<object> canExecuteMethod = null) 
     _targetExecuteMethod = executeMethod; 
     _targetCanExecuteMethod = canExecuteMethod; 

    public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged() 
     if (CanExecuteChanged != null) CanExecuteChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); 





public override void CommitEditingStyle(UITableView tableView, UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle, NSIndexPath indexPath) 
      switch (editingStyle) 
       case UITableViewCellEditingStyle.Delete: 