我在學習Python,並希望在網絡安全類中自動執行我的任務之一。 我想弄清楚如何查找被一組括號綁定的文件的內容。該文件(.txt)的內容是這樣的:如何在python中查找括號綁定的字符串
cow.jpg : jphide[v5](asdfl;kj88876)
fish.jpg : jphide[v5](65498ghjk;0-)
snake.jpg : jphide[v5](poi098*/[email protected]#)
test_practice_0707.jpg : jphide[v5](sJ*[email protected]&Ve!2)
test_practice_0101.jpg : jphide[v5](nKFdFX+C!:V9)
test_practice_0808.jpg : jphide[v5](!~rFX3FXszx6)
test_practice_0202.jpg : jphide[v5](X&aC$|mg!wC2)
test_practice_0505.jpg : jphide[v5](pe8f%yC$V6Z3)
dog.jpg : negative`
import sys, os, subprocess, glob, shutil
# Finding the .jpg files that will be copied.
sourcepath = os.getcwd() + '\\imgs\\'
destpath = 'stegdetect'
rawjpg = glob.glob(sourcepath + '*.jpg')
# Copying the said .jpg files into the destpath variable
for filename in rawjpg:
shutil.copy(filename, destpath)
# Asks user for what password file they want to use.
passwords = raw_input("Enter your password file with the .txt extension:")
shutil.copy(passwords, 'stegdetect')
# Navigating to stegdetect. Feel like this could be abstracted.
# Preparing the arguments then using subprocess to run
args = "stegbreak.exe -r rules.ini -f " + passwords + " -t p *.jpg"
# Uses open to open the output file, and then write the results to the file.
with open('cracks.txt', 'w') as f: # opens cracks.txt and prepares to w
subprocess.call(args, stdout=f)
# Processing whats in the new file.
f = open('cracks.txt')
什麼樣的paranthesis的?你可以使用正則表達式,但你需要告訴實際需求能夠幫助你。 – prabodhprakash
如果破解的密碼包含括號會怎麼樣? – vz0