2016-09-19 91 views

我在My android項目中集成了Firebase分析。我正在嘗試捕捉屏幕訪問事件。Android Firebase Analytics事件不會顯示在控制檯上

Bundle params = new Bundle(); 
    params.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_CATEGORY, "Custom screen"); 
    params.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME,"Custom screen name"); 
    mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.VIEW_ITEM, params); 


Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); 
    bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_ID, "1"); 
    bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.ITEM_NAME, "test name"); 
    bundle.putString(FirebaseAnalytics.Param.CONTENT_TYPE, "image"); 
    mFirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(FirebaseAnalytics.Event.SELECT_CONTENT, bundle); 


09-19 14:22:15.364 I/FA  (3313): App measurement is starting up, version: 9452 
09-19 14:22:15.364 I/FA  (3313): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 
09-19 14:22:15.364 D/FA  (3313): Debug logging enabled 
09-19 14:22:15.365 D/FA  (3313): AppMeasurement singleton hash: 233567450 
09-19 14:22:15.383 V/FA  (3313): Collection enabled 
09-19 14:22:15.383 V/FA  (3313): App package, google app id: com.prabhu.test, 1:64059382301:android:4262dc7062227fc8 
09-19 14:22:15.393 V/FA  (3313): Registered activity lifecycle callback 
09-19 14:22:15.403 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:22:15.404 V/FA  (3313): Connecting to remote service 
09-19 14:22:15.433 V/FA  (3313): onActivityCreated 
09-19 14:22:15.529 I/FA  (3313): Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 
09-19 14:22:15.529 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): select_content, Bundle[{item_name=test name, _o=app, content_type=image, item_id=1}] 
09-19 14:22:15.530 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:22:15.530 V/FA  (3313): Connection attempt already in progress 
09-19 14:22:15.532 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): view_item, Bundle[{item_name=Custom screen name, _o=app, item_category=Custom screen}] 
09-19 14:22:15.532 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:22:15.532 V/FA  (3313): Connection attempt already in progress 
09-19 14:22:15.532 V/FA  (3313): Activity resumed, time: 273496560 
09-19 14:22:15.698 D/FA  (3313): Connected to remote service 
09-19 14:22:15.698 V/FA  (3313): Processing queued up service tasks: 3 
09-19 14:22:15.751 V/FA-SVC (10602): Logging event: origin=app,name=select_content,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=168] 
09-19 14:22:15.766 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: select_content, 79 
09-19 14:22:15.768 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='select_content', params=Bundle[{item_name=test name, _o=app, content_type=image, item_id=1}]} 
09-19 14:22:16.168 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2557230 
09-19 14:22:16.171 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 423 
09-19 14:22:16.171 V/FA-SVC (10602): Logging event: origin=app,name=view_item,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=176] 
09-19 14:22:16.175 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: view_item, 84 
09-19 14:22:16.175 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='view_item', params=Bundle[{item_name=Custom screen name, _o=app, item_category=Custom screen}]} 
09-19 14:22:16.212 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2557187 
09-19 14:22:16.215 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 44 
09-19 14:22:20.723 V/FA  (3313): Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService 
09-19 14:22:22.384 V/FA  (3313): Activity paused, time: 273503415 
09-19 14:22:23.515 V/FA  (3313): onActivityCreated 
09-19 14:22:23.531 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): select_content, Bundle[{item_name=test name, _o=app, content_type=image, item_id=1}] 
09-19 14:22:23.531 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:22:23.531 V/FA  (3313): Connecting to remote service 
09-19 14:22:23.539 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): view_item, Bundle[{item_name=Custom screen name, _o=app, item_category=Custom screen}] 
09-19 14:22:23.539 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:22:23.539 V/FA  (3313): Connection attempt already in progress 
09-19 14:22:23.539 V/FA  (3313): Activity resumed, time: 273504562 
09-19 14:22:23.594 D/FA  (3313): Connected to remote service 
09-19 14:22:23.594 V/FA  (3313): Processing queued up service tasks: 2 
09-19 14:22:23.602 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: select_content, 79 
09-19 14:22:23.603 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='select_content', params=Bundle[{item_name=test name, _o=app, content_type=image, item_id=1}]} 
09-19 14:22:23.630 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2549768 
09-19 14:22:23.632 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 35 
09-19 14:22:23.632 V/FA-SVC (10602): Logging event: origin=app,name=view_item,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=176] 
09-19 14:22:23.636 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: view_item, 84 
09-19 14:22:23.636 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='view_item', params=Bundle[{item_name=Custom screen name, _o=app, item_category=Custom screen}]} 
09-19 14:22:23.648 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2549750 
09-19 14:22:23.651 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 18 
09-19 14:22:26.687 V/FA  (3313): Session started, time: 273507718 
09-19 14:22:26.699 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): _s, Bundle[{_o=auto}] 
09-19 14:22:26.709 V/FA-SVC (10602): Logging event: origin=auto,name=_s,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=36] 
09-19 14:22:26.738 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: _s, 19 
09-19 14:22:26.739 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='_s', params=Bundle[{_o=auto}]} 
09-19 14:22:26.754 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2546644 
09-19 14:22:26.757 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 48 
09-19 14:22:31.717 V/FA  (3313): Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService 
09-19 14:24:23.422 V/FA  (3313): Activity paused, time: 273624439 
09-19 14:24:24.423 D/FA  (3313): Application backgrounded. Logging engagement 
09-19 14:24:24.427 D/FA  (3313): Logging event (FE): _e, Bundle[{_o=auto, _et=126732}] 
09-19 14:24:24.427 V/FA  (3313): Using measurement service 
09-19 14:24:24.428 V/FA  (3313): Connecting to remote service 
09-19 14:24:24.444 D/FA  (3313): Connected to remote service 
09-19 14:24:24.444 V/FA  (3313): Processing queued up service tasks: 1 
09-19 14:24:24.450 V/FA-SVC (10602): Logging event: origin=auto,name=_e,params=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=60] 
09-19 14:24:24.480 V/FA-SVC (10602): Saving event, name, data size: _e, 30 
09-19 14:24:24.481 V/FA-SVC (10602): Event recorded: Event{appId='com.prabhu.test', name='_e', params=Bundle[{_o=auto, _et=126732}]} 
09-19 14:24:24.500 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2428898 
09-19 14:24:24.505 V/FA-SVC (10602): Background event processing time, ms: 56 
09-19 14:24:29.455 V/FA  (3313): Inactivity, disconnecting from AppMeasurementService 

但是,在我的firebase analytics控制檯中,事件未顯示。

請幫我最近怎麼了? 僅供參考,對於相同的Google Firebase Analytics項目,事件顯示在iOS應用程序中。


需要24小時才能在控制檯上顯示。 –


我知道。對於其他項目,我一直等待36小時 –


第一次記錄事件需要更多時間。 –




09-19 14:22:16.168 V/FA-SVC (10602): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 2557230 

2557230 ms意味着42 min 37 sec



您可以查看aggregrated有關在火力地堡 控制檯儀表盤的事件的統計。這些儀表板在當天通過 定期更新。要立即進行測試,請使用前一節中的 中所述的logcat輸出。


this answer從史蒂夫Ganem,產品經理火力地堡分析:

目前還沒有辦法手動覆蓋這些設置。 但是,我們認識到需要更快速地查看您的報告,我們希望儘快解決這一需求。

但是,在同一個線程上,Yoxi通過清除應用程序數據更快地找到了一個到force initial upload的方法。我只是做了我自己,我可以看到最初的上傳。但這似乎並未使Firebase控制檯中的數據更快顯示。

11-04 14:46:14.112 V/FA  (24746): Upload scheduled in approximately ms: 9028 