2014-03-07 67 views


node* InfoBook::AddNode(nodePtr temp) 
    string firstname; 
    string lastname; 
    string phonenumber; 
    string dayofbirth; 
    string monthofbirth; 
    string yearofbirth; 
    string age; 
    string streetname; 
    string city; 
    string state; 
    string zipcode; 
    InfoBook ad; 

     if(head != NULL) 
      current = head; 
      while(current -> next != NULL) 
       current = current -> next; 
      current -> next = new node; 
      current -> firstname = temp -> firstname; 
      current -> lastname = temp -> lastname; 
        ////code here to add the other values//// 
      current -> zipcode = temp -> zipcode; 
      current -> next -> next = nullptr; 
      return current; 
      head = new node; 
      head -> firstname = temp -> firstname; 
      head -> lastname = temp -> lastname; 
        ////code here to add the other values//// 
      head -> zipcode = temp -> zipcode; 
      head -> next = nullptr; 
      return current; 


void InfoBook::DisplayAll() 
    current = head; 
    int count = 1; 
    string firstname; 
    string lastname; 
    string phonenumber; 
    string dayofbirth; 
    string monthofbirth; 
    string yearofbirth; 
    string age; 
    string streetname; 
    string city; 
    string state; 
    string zipcode; 

     if(current == nullptr) 
      cout << "\n\n\No Record exists."; 
      while(current != NULL) 
      {  ////////I know the problem is somewhere between here//////// 
       cout << "Record # " << count << " : "; 
       cout << current -> firstname << endl; 
       cout << current -> lastname << endl; 
       cout << current -> phonenumber << endl; 
       cout << current -> dayofbirth << endl; 
       cout << current -> monthofbirth << endl; 
       cout << current -> yearofbirth << endl; 
       cout << current -> age << endl; 
       cout << current -> streetname << endl; 
       cout << current -> city << endl; 
       cout << current -> state << endl; 
       cout << current -> zipcode << endl; 
       cout <<"\n\n\n"; 
       current = current -> next; 


InfoBook :: InfoBook() {

head = NULL; 
current = NULL; 
temp = NULL; 



class InfoBook 
    nodePtr head; 
    nodePtr current; 
    nodePtr temp; 


    void userPromptStatement(); 
    node* AddNode(nodePtr); 
    void DisplayAll(); 


typedef struct node 
    string firstname; 
    string lastname; 
    string phonenumber; 
    string dayofbirth; 
    string monthofbirth; 
    string yearofbirth; 
    string age; 
    string streetname; 
    string city; 
    string state; 
    string zipcode; 
    static int count; 
    node* next; 
} *nodePtr; 



http://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/ – Loghorn




current -> next = new node; 


current = current->next; 



此外,你可以看看:http://www.thelearningpoint.net/computer-science/data-structures-singly-linked-list-with-c-program-source-code – nvg58


這很可能是正確的,儘管這個列表中的最後一件事情'current - > next - > next = nullptr'應該有一個'下一步'以避免調用未定義的行爲。 – WhozCraig


@ nvg58沒有工作,實際上是在AddNode的問題? – user3391677