2014-12-18 54 views

我通過PDO連接到MySQL數據庫,但是當我嘗試在PHP中執行SQL調用時,它失敗,並顯示下面的錯誤。當我回顯SQL並在MySQL Workbench中運行它時,它將返回到我期望的結果。這是$prepared->errorInfo()輸出時失敗:在PHP中PDO調用失敗,但在MySQL Workbench中成功執行

Array (
    [0] => 42000 
    [1] => 1064 
    [2] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near "5" at line 17 


function __construct($params = array()) { 

    $DB = new PDO('mysql:host='.$config['host'].';port='.$config['port'].';dbname='.$config['name'], $config['user'], $config['pswd']); 
    if (!$DB) { 
     throw new Exception('Could not connect to database'); 

    $type = $params['topic']; 

    if (isset($params['topic']) && $params['topic'] !== '') { 
     $typeSlugSql = "SELECT id from topics WHERE slug = ? LIMIT 1"; 

     $prepared = $DB->prepare($topicSlugSql); 
     $list = $prepared->execute(array($params['topic'])); //NOTE: this is working correctly and returns the ID I expect 
     if (!$list) { 
      throw new Exception('topic slug execute failed'); 
     $row = $prepared->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

     $topic = $row['id']; //id is correctly 6 at this point 

    //generate SQL query 
    $sql = "SELECT 
       articles.id AS id, 
       articles.slug AS slug, 
       articles.title AS title, 
       articles.headline AS headline, 
       articles.description AS description, 
       articles.keywords AS keywords, 
       articles.content AS content, 
       DATE(articles.published_date) AS date, 
       articles.created AS created 
       articles articles 
       articles.published_date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
       AND (articles.published IS NOT NULL OR articles.published = 1) 
      ORDER BY 
       articles.published_date DESC LIMIT 0 , ?"; 

    //run the query and get the feed data 
    $prepared = $DB->prepare($sql); 
    $items = $prepared->execute(array(5)); //this will make the SQL fail... 

    echo $sql; 

    if (!$items) { 
     print_r($DB->errorInfo()); //this prints the 'errorInfo' listed above 
     throw new Exception('execution error...'); 

    $options = array('ellipsis' => '...', 'exact' => false, 'html' => false); 
    while ($row = $prepared->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { 
     array_push($this->resources, new Resource($row['title'], $row['slug'], $row['date'], $this->cleanAndTruncate($row['content']))); 


最奇怪的部分是$prepared->execute(array($params['type']))工作正常,並返回我期待的ID。再一次,如果我複製/粘貼echo'd SQL並將其替換爲?5,則它在MySQL Workbench中按預期工作。如果我做的:

$sql = "SELECT 
       articles.id AS id, 
       articles.slug AS slug, 
       articles.title AS title, 
       articles.headline AS headline, 
       articles.description AS description, 
       articles.keywords AS keywords, 
       articles.content AS content, 
       DATE(articles.published_date) AS date, 
       articles.created AS created 
       articles articles 
       articles.published_date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
       AND (articles.published IS NOT NULL OR articles.published = 1) 
      ORDER BY 
       articles.published_date DESC LIMIT 0 , 5"; 

    $prepared = $DB->prepare($sql); 
    $items = $prepared->execute(); 



'FROM 文章articles'? –


這只是我使用多個表的語法的一部分,所以它更清晰地顯示,「從文章文章,articles_topics at,art​​icles_something_else ase',它根本不影響執行。 – WOUNDEDStevenJones


可能的重複[LIMIT關鍵字與MySQL準備語句](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10014147/limit-keyword-on-mysql-with-prepared-statement) – Anthony




$sql = "SELECT 
      articles.id AS id, 
      articles.slug AS slug, 
      articles.title AS title, 
      articles.headline AS headline, 
      articles.description AS description, 
      articles.keywords AS keywords, 
      articles.content AS content, 
      DATE(articles.published_date) AS date, 
      articles.created AS created 
      articles articles 
      articles.published_date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
      AND (articles.published IS NOT NULL OR articles.published = 1) 
     ORDER BY 
      articles.published_date DESC LIMIT :limit , 5"; 

$stmt = $DB->prepare($sql); 

$limit = 5; 

$stmt->bindParam(':limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT); 

$items = $stmt->execute(); 

'$ this-> numberOfResources = 5; $ prepared = $ DB-> prepare($ sql); $ prepared-> bindParam(':limit',$ this-> numberOfResources,PDO :: PARAM_INT); $ items = $ prepared-> execute();'仍然不起作用 – WOUNDEDStevenJones


更新了,試着......當我硬編碼5作爲bindParam的第二個參數時,給我一個通過引用錯誤的傳遞。 –


相同,所以我使用'$ this-> numberOfResources'來代替。我現在正在修改':'和'?'格式。如果這能解決問題,我會告訴你。 – WOUNDEDStevenJones
