import java.util.Scanner;
public class Week07_Assignment {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
private double height = 1;
private double width=1;
private double h;
private double w;
public void createrectangle(){
System.out.println("Give me both the height and width of this rectangle");
height = heightgetter(height);
width = heightgetter(width);
area(height, width);
perimeter(height, width);
public double heightgetter(double a){
a = input.nextDouble();
return a;
public double widthgetter(double a){
a = input.nextDouble();
return a;
public void area(double a, double b){
double area = a * b;
System.out.println("This is the area: " +area);
public void perimeter(double a, double b){
double perimeter = 2 * (a + b);
System.out.println("This is the area: " +perimeter);
'main'方法是一個靜態方法,沒有構造函數被調用。如果你需要調用默認的構造函數,你必須明確地做。如果你的教授拒絕解釋他的學生不理解的東西,那麼......不是一個好的IMO教授。 – BackSlash
如果你想運行「Week07_Assignment」的構造函數,那麼你必須創建它的對象。 –