public function testGetInput()
$requestParams = [
'links' => "somelink.com\nsomeotherlink.com\nandanotherlink.com\ndoesntmatter.com"
// Here we are saying the \Request facade should expect the all method to be called and that all method should
// return some pre-defined things which we will use in our asserts.
// Here we are just using Laravel's IoC container to instantiate your controller. Change YourController to whatever
// your controller is named
$class = App::make('YourController');
// Getting results of function so we can test that it has some properties which were supposed to have been set.
$return = $class->getInput();
// Again change this to the actual name of your controller.
$this->assertInstanceOf('YourController', $return);
// Now test all the things.
$this->assertTrue(in_array('somelink.com', $return->startLInks));
$this->assertTrue(in_array('nsomeotherlink.com', $return->startLInks));
$this->assertTrue(in_array('nandanotherlink.com', $return->startLInks));
$this->assertTrue(in_array('ndoesntmatter.com', $return->startLInks));
謝謝你的回答是 - 這就是我需要的!但是,當我把這條線我的測試: '\ Request :: shouldReceive('all') - > once() - > andReturn($ requestParams);' 當im運行phpunit我收到此異常: 'PHP致命錯誤:Class'Mockery'找不到/var/www/site.loc/www/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php on line 86 [Symfony \ Component \調試\例外\ FatalErrorException] 類'嘲笑'找不到' – errogaht
請你能幫忙嗎? – errogaht
對不起,我忘了使用嘲笑。查看https://github.com/padraic/mockery/tree/master瞭解安裝方向。應該只是'composer.json'中的一個新的必需項目。 – user3158900