我試圖編譯我的代碼,我得到預期的「;」標識或「(」令牌之前,C「無效」的錯誤:?10:1 ..可以」不像是會找錯字,如果有人能幫助我我將不勝感激!我提供我的代碼樓下,我相信這只是一個愚蠢的錯誤,我什麼地方做。預期';'標識符或「(」令牌之前「無效」
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//setting up my binary converter struct
struct bin
int data;
struct bin *link;
void append(struct bin **, int); //setting up append value
void reverse(struct bin**); //reverse values to convert to binary
void display(struct bin *); //so we can display
int main(void)
int nu,i; //global vars
struct bin *p;
p = NULL; //setting up p pointer to NULL to make sure it has no sense of being some other value
printf("Enter Value: ");
scanf("%d", &nu);
while (nu != 0)
i = nu % 2;
append (&p, i);
nu /= 2;
printf("Value in Binary: ");
//setting up our append function now
void append(struct bin **q, int nu)
struct bin *temp,*r;
temp = *q;
if(*q == NULL) //making sure q pointer is null
temp = (struct bin *)malloc(sizeof(struct bin));
temp -> data = nu;
temp -> link = NULL;
*q = temp;
temp = *q;
while (temp -> link != NULL)
temp = temp -> link;
r = (struct bin *) malloc(sizeof(struct bin));
r -> data = nu;
r -> link = NULL;
temp -> link = r;
//setting up our reverse function to show in binary values
void reverse(struct bin **x)
struct bin *q, *r, *s;
q = *x;
r = NULL;
while (q != NULL)
s = r;
r = q;
q = q -> link;
r -> link = s;
*x = r;
//setting up our display function
void display(struct bin *q)
while (q != NULL)
printf("%d", q -> data);
q = q -> link;
缺少',''後結構斌{...}' – EOF