2013-05-27 99 views

我以「YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS」格式(例如「2013-05-28 12:58:24」)從MySQL獲取日期。如何將這樣的日期轉換爲可讀的字符串,如「此文件將在2小時35分鐘內過期」?提前致謝!php過期日期爲字符串


你接受的答案被不必要地複雜化,因爲它不使用PHP提供的最新課程。如果您選擇使用它,我提供了一個更簡單的解決方案。 – vascowhite





$startDate=strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); 
$endDate = strtotime('2013-05-28 12:58:24'); 
function work_hours_diff($date1,$date2) { 
    if ($date1>$date2) { 
    } else $sign = 1; 
    if ($date1==$date2) return 0; 

    $days = 0; 
    $working_days = array(1,2,3,4,5); // Monday-->Friday 
    $working_hours = array(9, 17.5); // from 9:00 to 17:30 (8.5 hours) 
    $current_date = $date1; 

    $beg_h = floor($working_hours[0]); 
    $beg_m = ($working_hours[0]*60)%60; 
    $end_h = floor($working_hours[1]); 
    $end_m = ($working_hours[1]*60)%60; 

    //In case date1 is on same day of date2 
    if (mktime(0,0,0,date('n', $date1), date('j', $date1), date('Y', $date1))==mktime(0,0,0,date('n', $date2), date('j', $date2), date('Y', $date2))) { 
     //If its not working day, then return 0 
     if (!in_array(date('w', $date1), $working_days)) return 0; 

     $date0 = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n', $date1), date('j', $date1), date('Y', $date1)); 
     $date3 = mktime($end_h, $end_m, 0, date('n', $date1), date('j', $date1), date('Y', $date1)); 

     if ($date1<$date0) { 
      if ($date2<$date0) return 0; 
      $date1 = $date0; 
      if ($date2>$date3) $date2=$date3; 
      return $date2-$date1; 
     if ($date1>$date3) return 0; 
     if ($date2>$date3) $date2=$date3; 
     return $date2-$date1; 

    //setup the very next first working time stamp 
    if (!in_array(date('w',$current_date) , $working_days)) { 
     // the current day is not a working day 

     // the current time stamp is set at the beginning of the working day 
     $current_date = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n',$current_date), date('j',$current_date), date('Y',$current_date)); 

     // search for the next working day 
     while (!in_array(date('w',$current_date) , $working_days)) { 
      $current_date += 24*3600; // next day 
    } else { 
     // check if the current timestamp is inside working hours 
     $date0 = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n',$current_date), date('j',$current_date), date('Y',$current_date)); 
     // it's before working hours, let's update it 
     if ($current_date<$date0) $current_date = $date0; 

     $date3 = mktime($end_h, $end_m, 0, date('n',$current_date), date('j',$current_date), date('Y',$current_date)); 

     if ($date3<$current_date) { 
      // outch ! it's after working hours, let's find the next working day 
      $current_date += 24*3600; // the day after 
      // and set timestamp as the beginning of the working day 
      $current_date = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n',$current_date), date('j',$current_date), date('Y',$current_date)); 
      while (!in_array(date('w',$current_date) , $working_days)) { 
       $current_date += 24*3600; // next day 

    // so, $current_date is now the first working timestamp available... 

    // calculate the number of seconds from current timestamp to the end of the working day 
    $date0 = mktime($end_h, $end_m, 0, date('n',$current_date), date('j',$current_date), date('Y',$current_date)); 
    $seconds = $date0-$current_date; 

    // calculate the number of days from the current day to the end day 

    $date3 = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n',$date2), date('j',$date2), date('Y',$date2)); 
    while ($current_date < $date3) { 
     $current_date += 24*3600; // next day 
     if (in_array(date('w',$current_date) , $working_days)) $days++; // it's a working day 
    if ($days>0) $days--; //because we've already count the first day (in $seconds) 

    // check if end's timestamp is inside working hours 
    $date0 = mktime($beg_h, $beg_m, 0, date('n',$date2), date('j',$date2), date('Y',$date2)); 
    if ($date2<$date0) { 
     // it's before, so nothing more ! 
    } else { 
     // is it after ? 
     $date3 = mktime($end_h, $end_m, 0, date('n',$date2), date('j',$date2), date('Y',$date2)); 
     if ($date2>$date3) $date2=$date3; 
     // calculate the number of seconds from current timestamp to the final timestamp 
     $tmp = $date2-$date0; 
     $seconds += $tmp; 

    // calculate the working days in seconds 
    $seconds += 3600*($working_hours[1]-$working_hours[0])*$days; 

    return $sign * $seconds; 

function seconds2human($ss) { 
    $s = $ss%60; 
    $m = floor(($ss%3600)/60); 
    $h = floor(($ss)/3600); 

    return "$h hours, $m minutes, $s seconds"; 
echo "This file will expire in ".seconds2human(work_hours_diff($startDate,$endDate)); 



This file will expire in 11 hours, 3 minutes, 15 seconds 

Demo Here>>


哦,非常感謝!它完美的工作! –


儘管它有點奇怪:'$ endDate = strtotime(date('2013-05-28 14:39:41'));'它說'8小時30分鐘',但它應該在24小時左右。 –


@紅色十月也許你需要設置日期時間對象的時區.. –


這更簡單的實現使用PHP的DateTime類: -

$expire = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', '2013-05-28 12:58:24'); 
$now = new \DateTime(); 

$diff = $expire->diff(($now)); 

$result = ''; 

    $result .= $diff->y . ($diff->y > 1 ? ' years ' : ' year '); 
    $result .= $diff->m . ($diff->m > 1 ? ' months ' : ' month '); 
    $result .= $diff->d . ($diff->d > 1 ? ' days ' : ' day '); 
    $result .= $diff->h . ($diff->h > 1 ? ' hours ' : ' hour '); 
    $result .= $diff->i . ($diff->i > 1 ? ' minutes ' : ' minute '); 
    $result .= $diff->s . ($diff->s > 1 ? ' seconds ' : ' second '); 

echo "File expires in $result"; 

輸出,當我跑它: -

File expires in 16 hours 14 minutes 38 seconds