2014-10-16 28 views


這裏是我的HTML框架: -

<div class="KK-posts_feed"> 

      <div class="KK-post_frame" style="display:none;"> //This is the div that I clone() for postings 

       <div class="KK-post_info_header"> 
         <a class="KK-post_username"></a>  

       <div class="KK-post_text"></div> 

       <div class="KK-post_comment_thread" data-PID=""> 
        <div class="KK-post_comment_box"> //This is the div that I clone for comments 

         <div class="KK-post_comment_user_info"> 
          <a class="KK-post_comment_username"></a> 
         <div class="KK-post_comment_text"></div> 

這是getPosts()方法輸出的職位: -

function getPosts(){ //This function gets the posts and clones the html for each post 
     type : 'GET', 
     url : 'fetchposts.php', 
     dataType: 'json', 
     error : function(){ 
      $('.dash_results_bar').html('<p class="KK-post_load_error">' + "Sorry, couldn't load posts at the moment. This maybe because we are facing downtime or because the databases are being updated." + ' <a href="#" class="KK-post_load_retry">Retry</a>' + "</p>"); 
     success : function(data) 
     var posts = data.posts; 

       $('.KK-post_frame:first').css("display", "block"); 
       $(posts).each(function(index, value){ 
        .attr('id', (value.post_id)) 
        .find('.KK-post_comment_thread').attr('data-PID', value.post_id) 
       $('.KK-post_frame:first').css("display", "none"); 

這是getComments()方法輸出下的每個崗位的評論: -

function getComments(){ 
     $('.KK-post_comment_thread').each(function(){ // I run this method for each comment thread div inside each of my posts div 
     var pid = $(this).attr('data-PID'); // PID is the 'post id' that I use, to identify each comment thread div separately. 
     var self = this; 
      type : 'POST', 
      url : 'fetchcomments.php', 
      data : 'pid='+pid, // I send the post id to the php script which returns the comments for the particular post in the form of json objects 
      error : function(){ 
       $(self).html('<p class="KK-post_comment_load_error">' + "Sorry, couldn't load comments at the moment." + ' <a class="KK-post_comment_load_retry" href="#">Retry</a>' + "</p>"); 
      success : function(data){ 
       var comments = data.comments; 

        $('.KK-post_comment_box:first').css('display', 'block'); 
        $(comments).each(function(index, value){ 
         .attr('id', value.comment_id) 
        $('.KK-post_comment_box:first').css('display', 'none'); 


這是我如何執行上述兩個功能: -





雖然getPosts()方法執行完美並輸出該訊息,該方法getComments()要麼不執行或不顯示出任何效果。我無法確定地說,因爲每次刷新頁面時,我只會收到帖子,而不是評論。我也檢查了我的控制檯,但沒有發現腳本的任何錯誤。當我通過點擊事件處理程序(如$('button').click(function(){ getComments(); });)執行它時,getComments()方法運行得非常好。因此,我知道我的兩個方法工作正常,只是我無法在頁面加載時一個接一個地執行它們。有人能幫助我解決這個奇怪的問題嗎?


感謝@Pointy,我想通了這個問題,現在它解決了。我現在意識到我發送了一個未定義的參數給$。當我只需要將'return'語句添加到'getPosts()'腳本,現在我的腳本就像魅力一樣工作。再次感謝@Pointy! – 2014-10-16 14:58:51





function getPosts(){ //This function gets the posts and clones the html for each post 
    return $.ajax({ 
     // ...