網格負載b/c服務器綁定。 所有其他行動要麼張貼到了錯誤的路線,或默認動作: 插入員額/ EditOrder行動 編輯職位,以 這個地址: http://localhost:20588/Orders/EditOrder/sdsddd?OrderID=2&CustomerID=1&ItemsInOrderGrid-mode=edit 這是沒有意義的(sdsddd是項目ID) 非的控制器中AJAX部分內的斷點到達。 任何想法我做錯了什麼?Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC2 Ajax綁定不起作用/路由到錯誤操作
感謝, 達尼
.DataKeys(dataKeys =>
dataKeys.Add(e => e.OrderID);
dataKeys.Add(e => e.ItemID);
.ToolBar(commands => commands.Insert())
.DataBinding(dataBinding =>
dataBinding.Ajax() //Ajax binding
.Select("ItemsGridAjax", "Orders", new {OrderID = Model.order.OrderID})
.Insert("InsertItemsGridAjax", "Orders", new {OrderID = Model.order.OrderID})
.Update("UpdateItemsGridAjax", "Orders")
.Delete("DeleteItemsGridAjax", "Orders"))
.Columns(c =>
c.Bound(o => o.ItemID);
c.Bound(o => o.OrderID).Column.Visible = false;
c.Bound(o => o.ItemDescription);
c.Bound(o => o.NumOfItems);
c.Bound(o => o.CostOfItem);
c.Bound(o => o.TotalCost);
c.Bound(o => o.SupplyDate);
c.Command(commands =>
public ActionResult ItemsGridAjax(int OrderID)
return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));
public ActionResult InsertItemdGridAjax(int OrderID)
//Create a new instance of the EditableCustomer class.
ItemsInOrder newItem = ItemsInOrder.CreateItemsInOrder(OrderID, "");
newItem.OrderID = OrderID;
//Perform model binding (fill the customer properties and validate it).
if (TryUpdateModel(newItem))
//The model is valid - insert the customer.
bool res = ordersRepository.InsertItemToOrder(OrderID, newItem);
//Rebind the grid
return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));
public ActionResult UpdateItemsGridAjax(int OrderID, string ItemID)
//Find a customer whose CustomerID is equal to the id action parameter
ItemsInOrder item = ordersRepository.FindItemByID(OrderID,ItemID);
if (item != null)
//Perform model binding (fill the customer properties and validate it).
if (TryUpdateModel(item))
//The model is valid - update the customer and redisplay the grid.
// TODO: Add try-catch with error reporting.
//Rebind the grid
return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));
public ActionResult DeleteItemsGridAjax(int OrderID, string ItemID)
//Find the customer with the specified id
ItemsInOrder item = ordersRepository.FindItemByID(OrderID, ItemID);
if (item != null)
//Delete the customer
//Rebind the grid
return View(ordersRepository.GetOrderItemsTK(OrderID));
nope,沒有幫助。這就像「AJAX」被禁用,它會發送到整頁文章。第一個AJAX調用 - ItemsGridAjax不會被調用,所以我得到一個空的網格。如果我通過服務器綁定(給網格中的ItemsInOrder在列表中的例子) - 這是唯一的作品,然後我可以看到,編輯和刪除不起作用以及... ) – Dani 2011-01-12 14:46:59