if($sendmail) {
echo "<div class=\"success\" class=\"regdet\">Congratulations $name! You have successfully registered for <span>AADAB 2013</span>! An email has been sent to your email with the details of your form.<br><br>If the page does not automatically redirect you in 5 seconds, click <input type=\"button\" value=\"Here\" onclick=\"window.close()\"> to continue.</div>";
header (refresh: 5, url="form.php");
} else {
echo "<span style=\"color: red; background: rgba(219,219,219,0.7);\">There was an error in submitting your form. Click <a href=\"form.php\">here</a> to try again!</span>";
我試圖將用戶重定向到表單(這是目前的形式有兩種,形式和PHP命令) 5秒後...因爲它沒有發生,我正試圖包含一個按鈕,它將在窗體確認頁上按下後關閉窗口。
它不工作...我甚至嘗試了雙引號..而且在頂部放頭()命令(只要是真正的sendmail $收益)... –
對不起,是我不好 - 我用了一個逗號,而不是在頭文件聲明中使用分號。現在試試吧:) –
不..還是沒有重定向...我是否必須編寫完整的絕對路徑..如http://...等等...或文件的相對路徑會好嗎? –