我有一組函數被調用 例如:用不同數量和類型的參數調用函數的機制?
void void_func(); /* id = 0 */
void void_func1(int); /* id = 1 */
void void_func2(int, char *); /* id = 2 */
void void_func3(short int); /* id = 3 */
int int_func(); /* id = 4 */
int int_func1(int); /* id = 5 */
int int_func2(float); /* id = 6 */
int int_func3(int, int *); /* id = 7 */
char *char_func(); /* id = 8 */
char *char_func1(int); /* id = 9 */
char *char_func2(int, int); /* id = 10*/
void enum_func(enum_t); /* id = 11*/
enum_t enum_func1(int *, int); /* id = 12*/
enum_t enum_func2(); /* id = 13*/
typedef void * (*funcptr)();
typedef void * (*funcptr1)(void *);
typedef void * (*funcptr2)(void *, void *);
void * parameter1;
void * parameter2;
void * return_param;
typedef struct funcid {
int id;
funcptr f0;
funcptr1 f1;
funcptr2 f2;
void * param1;
void * param2;
void * ret_param;
} func_id;
func_id func_str[] = {
/* { id, f0 , f1 , f2 , param1 , param2 , ret_param } ,*/
{ 0 , &void_func , NULL , NULL , (void *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (void *)return_param } ,
{ 1 , NULL , &void_func1 , NULL , (int *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (void *)return_param } ,
{ 2 , NULL , NULL , &void_func2 , (int *)parameter1 , (char *)parameter2 , (void *)return_param } ,
{ 3 , NULL , &void_func3 , NULL , (short int *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (void *)return_param } ,
{ 4 , &int_func , NULL , NULL , (void *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (int *)return_param } ,
{ 5 , NULL , &int_func1 , NULL , (int *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (int *)return_param } ,
{ 6 , NULL , &int_func2 , NULL , (float*)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (int *)return_param } ,
{ 7 , NULL , NULL , &int_func3 , (int *)parameter1 , (int *)parameter2 , (int *)return_param } ,
{ 8 , &char_func , NULL , NULL , (void *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (char *)return_param } ,
{ 9 , NULL , &char_func1 , NULL , (int *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (char *)return_param } ,
{ 10, NULL , NULL , &char_func2 , (int *)parameter1 , (int *)parameter2 , (char *)return_param } ,
{ 11, &enum_func , NULL , NULL , (enum_t *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (void *)return_param } ,
{ 12, NULL , NULL , &enum_func1 , (int *)parameter1 , (int *)parameter2 , (enum_t *)return_param } ,
{ 13, &enum_func2 , NULL , NULL , (str1 *)parameter1 , (void *)parameter2 , (enum_t *)return_param }
printf("\nEnter Number of parameters of functions : ");
scanf("%d", ptr1);
printf("\nEnter whether the function has a return value (0/1) : ");
scanf("%d", &ret);
printf("\nWhich function to execute (function id): ");
scanf("%d", &var1);
if (*ptr1 > 0)
printf("\nEnter the Parameters : \n");
func_id current_func;
for (i=0; i<13; i++){
if (func_str[i].id == var1) {
current_func = func_str[i];
switch(*ptr1) {
case 0: {
if (ret == 1) {
printf("\nEntering case 0\n");
current_func.ret_param = (*current_func.f0)();
else {
/* In actual case the parameters would be read from a memory location and the address of that can be stored in parameter1 */
case 1: {
printf("\nEnter Parameter 1: ");
scanf("%d", parameter1);
printf("\nParameter 1 = %d\n",*(int *)parameter1);
if (ret == 1) {
current_func.ret_param = (*current_func.f1)(current_func.param1);
else {
/* In actual case the parameters would be written in a memory location and the address of that can be stored in parameter1 and parameter2 */
case 2: {
printf("\nEnter Parameter 1: ");
scanf("%d", parameter1);
printf("\nEnter Parameter 2: ");
scanf("%d", parameter2);
if (ret == 1) {
current_func.ret_param = (*current_func.f2)(current_func.param1, current_func.param2);
printf("\nReturned parameter : current_func.ret_param = %d", *(int *)current_func.ret_param);
else {
(*current_func.f2)(current_func.param1, current_func.param2);
你肯定C是這個正確的語言? –
不幸的是我不得不爲此使用C語言。 – Navaneet
我沒有詳細閱讀,但將'int'變成'void *'來回肯定不是一個好主意。他們可能有不同的寬度(例如,他們有amd64)。如果你必須這樣做,總是使用'intptr_t'。 –