我一直在嘗試讓我創建的EC2 Ubuntu 16.04服務器上運行的MoonMail程序(https://github.com/microapps/MoonMail/),但我似乎無法超越「sls功能部署」階段。MoonMail部署問題
Serverless: Deploying the specified functions in "dev" to the following regions: eu-west-1
Serverless:/Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: esHost
Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: esRegion
Serverless: - Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: iotEndpoint
Serverless: | Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: redisEndpointPort
Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: redisEndpointAddress
Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: redisPassword
Serverless: - Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: iotEndpoint
Serverless: | Serverless: WARNING: This variable is not defined: unsubscribedCallbackUrl
無論如何,程序在這一點上並沒有失敗,但它似乎運行了很長時間(〜1小時30分鐘)。也許這是預料之中的事,但它似乎比我預料的要長,所以假設出現了一些錯誤。除了我的_meta/_tmp文件夾在服務器上變得非常大(> 1GB)之外,我看不到我的AWS賬戶有任何更改。
用於這一階段_meta /變量/變量分別爲:
"defaultRegion": "eu-west-1",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"stage": "dev",
"defaultRCU": 2,
"defaultWCU": 2,
"sentEmailsRCU": 2,
"sendEmailsWCU": 2,
"scheduledAtIndexRCU": 2,
"scheduledAtIndexWCU": 2,
"scheduledCampaignsRCU": 2,
"scheduledCampaignsWCU": 2,
"clicksRCU": 2,
"clicksReportRCU": 2,
"clicksReportWCU": 2,
"clicksWCU": 2,
"opensRCU": 2,
"opensReportRCU": 2,
"opensReportWCU": 2,
"opensWCU": 2,
"recipientsRCU": 2,
"recipientsWCU": 2,
"apiHost": "mydomain.com",
"defaultEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
"defaultFromName": "myName"