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<h1>About Church</h1> 
<h4>A Brief History:</h4> 
<p>In order to cater to the pastoral needs of the military personnel and the railway employees at Pattabiram military siding, a temporary shed functioned as a Church, since 1946. The local Catholics, especially Shri P John raised enough funds to construct a small Chapel in the place of the shed. This was blessed by His Excellency Dr Francis Carvalho, Auxiliary Bishop of Madras-Mylapore on 22nd April 1955. Right from 1946, the feast of Our Lady of Velankanni is celebrated in this parish. In 1973 it was erected as a separate parish. The first Parish Priest was Fr Philip Manathara who built the present Church.</p> 
<p>Church's type theory is a formal logical language which includes first-order logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. It also plays an important role in the study of the formal semantics of natural language.</p> 
<h2>Domestic Doners</h2> 
<p>Type theories are also called higher-order logics, since they allow quantification not only over individual variables (as in first-order logic), but also over function, predicate, and even higher order variables. Type theories characteristically assign types to entities, distinguishing, for example, between numbers, set of numbers, functions from numbers to sets of numbers, and sets of such functions. As illustrated in Section 1.2.2 below, these distinctions allow one to discuss the conceptually rich world of sets and functions without encountering the paradoxes of naive set theory.</p> 
<h4>Catholic Population :</h4><p>2,8000</p> 
<h4>Sunday Mass – Timings & Language :</h4> 
<li>6.30 am, 8.00 am (Pattabiram)</li> 
<li>8.00 am (Muthapudupet) – Tamil</li> 
<h4>Sub-stations with Chapel</h4> 
<ul><li>01 Sacred Jesus Chapel, Sastri Nagar, 1 km</li> 
<li>02 Infant Jesus Chapel, Mosque Street, Muthapudupet, 4 kms</li> 
<h4>Participatory Structures</h4> 
<li>01 Parish Pastoral Council</li> 
<li>02 Parish Finance Committee</li> 
<li>03 Anbiyams</li> 
<li>01 Altar Servers</li> 
<li>02 Charismatic Renewal</li> 
<li>03 Legion of Mary</li> 
<li>04 St Vincent de Paul</li> 
<li>05 Youth Group – Tamil</li> 
<li>06 Madhar Sangam</li> 
<p> 01 Franciscan Sisters of St Elizabeth (FSE) Tel 044 – 65 68 16 40</p> 
<h4>Institution under the Religious</h4> 
<p> 01 Home for Poor Gilrs Tel 044 – 65 68 16 40</p> 
<p>In pretium magna nec purus elementum malesuada. Mauris pulvinar mauris tempor tellus laoreet, non sollicitudin dolor porttitor. Duis rutrum pretium dignissim. Integer non leo id orci placerat sollicitudin vel quis velit. Praesent sit amet mi eget ante pellentesque tincidunt ac quis turpis. Sed vitae fringilla nisi, sit amet tincidunt sem. Praesent luctus odio ac laoreet commodo. Vivamus a consequat magna. Suspendisse potenti. Nam cursus molestie lobortis.</p> 
<h3>About Exisiting Church </h3> 
<p>Type theories are also called higher-order logics, since they allow quantification not only over individual variables (as in first-order logic), but also over function, predicate, and even higher order variables. Type theories characteristically assign types to entities, distinguishing, for example, between numbers, set of numbers, functions from numbers to sets of numbers, and sets of such functions. As illustrated in Section 1.2.2 below, these distinctions allow one to discuss the conceptually rich world of sets and functions without encountering the paradoxes of naive set theory.</p> 
<h3>About Proposed Church</h3> 
<p>Church's type theory is a formulation of type theory that was introduced by Alonzo Church in Church 1940. In certain respects, it is simpler and more general than the type theory introduced by Bertrand Russell in Russell 1908 and Whitehead & Russell 1927a. Since properties and relations can be regarded as functions from entities to truth values, the concept of a function is taken as primitive in Church's type theory, and the λ-notation which Church introduced in Church 1932 and Church 1941 is incorporated into the formal language.</p> 
<p>Church's type theory is a formulation of type theory that was introduced by Alonzo Church in Church 1940. In certain respects, it is simpler and more general than the type theory introduced by Bertrand Russell in Russell 1908 and Whitehead & Russell 1927a. Since properties and relations can be regarded as functions from entities to truth values, the concept of a function is taken as primitive in Church's type theory, and the λ-notation which Church introduced in Church 1932 and Church 1941 is incorporated into the formal language.</p> 

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有什麼便宜..這是我的問題 – deepika 2014-10-29 05:50:44


請發表您的代碼,它不可能解決它沒有代碼? – Scimonster 2014-10-29 05:52:11


請檢查您的CSS文件是否已加載。您可以在Chrome開發人員工具(Ctrl + Shift + I)中查看相同內容,然後在資源選項卡下選中。你的文件應該列在幀 - >樣式表 – Arun 2014-10-29 05:54:04




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這不是答案..但我仍然沒有得到。 – deepika 2014-10-29 08:33:00


有人幫忙嗎? – deepika 2014-10-29 08:44:13