我想在文本模式中更改字符串字體 我嘗試了很多intterupts,但它不起作用。我無法在我的搜索中找到好結果 任何人可以給我關於此主題的很好示例?更改x86中的字體Nasm
正如你所說的嘗試中斷,我們可以假設你的操作系統是16位(目前)?您有興趣使用int 10h
函數嗎?我也剛剛遇到了一些關於通過刪除端口來實現它的文本(我無法告訴你如何使用這些東西......如果您的操作系統已經在那裏,可能會在pmode中工作)。使用圖形模式和「繪製」字符也很有趣 - 文本不必位於一條直線上,它可以「傾斜」。我有很多舊的dos程序可以用這個實驗。不幸的是,我不記得哪個是做什麼的,我沒有心情啓動到dos並尋找他們。 :(
;From: "Beth"
; Balloon.asm
; (C)2K1 Beth (but donated to the public domain :)
; Simple .com file that demonstrates changing the
; video font for text mode 3 using the "official"
; BIOS interrupts for doing it...
; Note: mode 3 is a bit polymorphic in that the size
; of a character cell differs according to the video
; card...but, for modern VGAs and above, these will
; almost certainly have a 9x16 size character cell by
; default (but the older cards like CGA/EGA and such had
; a lower resolution and an 8x8 character cell)...that
; is, mode 3 is defined by the amount of character
; cells being 80x25 and the card alters the size of the
; character cell to make the resolution and this
; requirement correspond...
; As this is the case, I force the character cell to be
; 8x8 in this little program to make life easier in that
; I don't have to supply fonts for 8x8, 8x14, 8x16
; potential sizes...this, on a modern VGA and above,
; will force the number of rows on screen to 50 and
; produce shorter characters than usual...
; Finally, it's worth noting that the VGA(+) resolution
; of mode 3 is actually 720 pixels across rather than
; what you might assume of 640 (because we've 80
; columns each at 8 pixels wide and 80x8=640, which is
; not 720 :)...thus, these cards automatically insert
; a vertical gap of one pixel between the character
; cells (if you look at ASCII characters 176, 177,178
; and 219, you can see this in action...because
; although 219 is defined as "all pixels on" (a solid
; block) when you make a row of them, you'll see a gap
; between them...this you can see on my little balloon
; graphic also...
; Also, if you're going to run this from a DOS box in
; Windows, then you'll need to go into fullscreen mode
; because Windows _emulates_ text modes in a window
; and, thus, my little balloon won't show up (what's
; interesting, though, is that if you switch between
; fullscreen and a window with ALT + ENTER then you
; can see the difference...in fullscreen, you'll see
; the balloon but in a window, you'll just see weird
; extended ASCII characters)...
; Anyway, enough of these overly long comments (there's
; more comment here than actual program...hehehe ;)...
; let's get to some actual code...
; .model tiny
; .code
%define offset
section .text
org 100h
; Set the video mode to the standard text mode #3
Start: mov ax, 0003h
int 10h
; Load in the standard 8x8 ROM font...which also forces
; the video to use 8x8 character cells...
mov ax, 1112h
; int 10h
; Ok, let's load in my new font characters...
mov ax, 1110h
mov bx, 0800h
mov cx, 0007h
mov dx, 0080h
mov bp, offset NewFont
int 10h
; And let's print some characters to demonstrate my new
; font in action...
mov ax, 0900h
mov dx, offset Balloon
int 21h
; Goodbye program, hello DOS prompt!!!
; (i.e. call terminate program interrupt :)
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h
Balloon db 0Ah, 0Dh, "Look! It's a balloon!", 0Ah, 0Dh
db "But, wait, we're in a text mode but that looks "
db "a lot like a graphic...", 0Ah, 0Dh,
db "how can this be?", 0Ah, 0Dh
db "Cool, huh? :)", 0Ah, 0Dh, 0Ah, 0Dh
db 128, 129, 130, 0Ah, 0Dh
db 131, 132, 133, 0Ah, 0Dh
db " ", 134, " ", 0Ah, 0Dh, 0Ah, 0Dh, "$"
; Here's the data for the new characters I'm
; defining...the format is a simple monochrome
; bitmap, where each bit in a byte represents a
; pixel (0 = off, 1 = on :) and there's 8 bytes
; to make up an 8x8 character...
; As I can't be bothered to calculate some interesting
; graphics of my own here, then I've loaned the already
; calculated values from the C64 user's guide for
; creating a balloon sprite (which, coincidentally,
; uses a similar format to the format I need here, so
; it saves time just to copy those values over rather
; than work out some of my own :)...just thought I'd
; explain why I've got a balloon with the Commodore
; logo on it as my graphic...the answer is simply that
; I was too lazy to sit with some graph paper and work
; out some values of my own...trust me, I've done it
; before on other occasions and it's a really long and
; tedious process :)...
NewFont db 0, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 3
db 127, 255, 255, 231, 217, 223, 217, 231
db 0, 192, 224, 224, 240, 240, 240, 224
db 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
db 255, 255, 255, 127, 62, 156, 156, 73
db 224, 224, 160, 64, 64, 128, 128, 0
db 73, 62, 62, 62, 28, 0, 0, 0
; end Start
由於這種被張貼在Beht的MASM/TASM語法,和我的quicky嘗試將它翻譯成NASM語法,一些看起來有點奇怪,我注意到我在一個點上註釋了Beth的int 10h
感謝弗蘭克這可能是幫助 – user2590769
但是我怎樣才能使用這個或轉換爲nasm? – user2590769
我認爲'%define offset'加上一些註釋Masmese會允許它與Nasm組裝。最近未測試。這是一個dos .com文件 - 需要一些更改才能在「您的操作系統」中運行。嘗試將BIOS中斷和數據粘貼到「您的操作系統」並用BIOS中斷替換dos中斷? –
- 1. NASM x86 Segfault
- 2. NASM中斷x86引用?
- 3. Nasm在數組中的更改值
- 4. 更改NASM中的標籤值
- 5. 使用函數x86的Segfaults nasm
- 6. 在nasm更改邊框
- 7. 更改AlertDialog中的字體
- 8. 更改UITapGestureRecognizer中的字體
- 9. 更改PDF中的字體
- 10. 更改GtkTreeView中的字體
- 11. 更改ggplot2中的字體
- 12. 更改UITextInput中的字體
- 13. 更改iframe中的字體
- 14. 更改Aquamacs中的字體?
- 15. 如何在Linux x86 NASM中打印字符?
- 16. 更改字母大小寫(彙編x86)
- 17. 更改字體
- 18. 更改字體
- 19. 從nasm調用c函數x86-64
- 20. 如何複製值 - x86 NASM組件
- 21. x86 NASM組件 - 輸入問題
- 22. 在GridView中更改字體
- 23. 在C#中更改字體?
- 24. 在matplotlib中更改字體
- 25. 更改C中字符串的字體#
- 26. LaTeX:更改數字中的字體
- 27. 更改`ListPreference`概要的字體字體
- 28. 從組件x86中的內存中讀取16位NASM
- 29. x86 NASM將字符串轉換爲整數
- 30. 更改字體UIBarButtonItem
你的問題很不清楚,你想改變什麼字體? NASM與任何字體無關,它是控制檯程序。 – johnfound
我是納斯姆的開發應用程序 – user2590769
,我想更改字符串字體因爲我想要你在我的os中查看這個。現在你知道我想要什麼了嗎? – user2590769