Sub Initialize() Print"Agent:First Reminder for LateIn Reason started running at " & DateValue(Now()) & "," + TimeValue(Now()) Dim ss As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim LateInVw As NotesView Dim LateInDocs As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim LateEntry As NotesViewEntry Dim LateDoc As NotesDocument Dim StaffVw As NotesView, StaffDoc As NotesDocument Dim MailDoc As NotesDocument Dim rtBody As NotesRichTextItem Dim sysdoc As NotesDocument, sysVw As NotesView Dim AttVw As NotesView, Attdoc As NotesDocument Set db=ss.Currentdatabase Set sysVw=db.getview("($System Settings)") Set sysdoc=sysvw.getfirstdocument If sysdoc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Set LateInVw=db.getview("(Testing Late-In Time Records)") Set StaffVw=db.getview("($Active Staff by ID)") Set AttVw = db.Getview("($Effective Attendance Setting By ID)") tdy=Datevalue(Now) 'get all time records for today Set LateInDocs=LateInVw.Allentries Set lateEntry=LateInDocs.getfirstentry Do While Not LateEntry Is Nothing Set LateDoc=LateEntry.Document Set Attdoc=Attvw.Getdocumentbykey(LateDoc.TStaffID(0), True) If Attdoc.LateAtt(0)="Yes" Then If LateDoc.LateReason(0)="" Then If Not ApprovedLateIn(LateDoc, LateDoc.TAmend(0), False) Then 'get staff mail Set staffDoc=StaffVw.Getdocumentbykey(LateDoc.TStaffID(0), True) If Not staffdoc Is Nothing Then 'send email with link to main menu If email$<>staffDoc.email(0) Then ' email$=staffDoc.email(0) email$="[email protected]" Set Maildoc=New NotesDocument(db) Set maildoc=db.Createdocument() maildoc.Form="First Reminder Notification" maildoc.Subject="Smartcard Attendance System: Late-In Notification for " +Format$(LateDoc.TDate(0),"dd/mm/yyyy") Maildoc.StaffName=staffDoc.StaffName(0) maildoc.Sendto="[email protected]" ' maildoc.NotifyDate=LateDoc.Tdate(0) maildoc.NotifyTime=Timevalue(LateDoc.TAmend(0)) maildoc.NotesServer=sysdoc.ServerPath(0) maildoc.NotesDBPath=sysdoc.DBPath(0) maildoc.send(True) End If End If End If 'check against unimas's jadual kedatangan End If 'check for late in reason End If 'check late-in on/off in attendance settings Set LateEntry=LateInDocs.Getnextentry(LateEntry) Loop End Sub
筆記:// Mulu/SmartCard Attedancce/sas-server.nsf/Scais Main?OpenFrameset
說明://// Scais Main?OpenFrameset
好的,你建議的鏈接已經正常工作......這是正確的..但它仍然不允許我打開框架本身......它仍然會去「查看」其中包含的數據是。 「LateInVw」。我只是把這個觀點循環到誰遲到了,並且強迫他們去框架集以輸入晚〜的原因 –